Getting rid of reminders and memories

4 months sober from alcohol and in the process of moving. As I’m packing things up I’m also “purging” things I don’t use anymore (it’s all going to ARC). But I just started crying when I put my mule mugs and porcelain saki set in the donate box. While alcohol is not good for me, and I absolutely know that, I feel like I’m giving away good memories. I remember buying the saki, I remember all the fun I had with the people I shared the mule mugs with. I won’t use these things anymore and I know someone else will, but I didn’t think it would be this damn hard.

Life has changed drastically for me in the last 8 months. Divorce after 8 years, moving to a new city, sobriety, trying to make friends (without going to breweries). I’ve worked through a lot of things for my mental health but I guess there was more stuff than I realized. I guess it’s a good thing my first therapy session, sense the divorce, is Tuesday.

If you read this, thank you. I just needed to get this “on paper”.


Welcome to TS and congratulations on your 4 months.

I can understand your sadness with the glasses. I just wrote yesterday here that I did the same thing. I got rid of my alcoholic beverages glasses. It was like shutting a door. But can we be sure it will stay shut. Of course getting rid of these glasses was not a insurance to sobriety but it was like a firm sign I sent myself that this chapter is over. I didn’t regret it.


Welcome to the community! Giving up alcohol can be like losing a friend. I personally felt like I was mourning the loss of a friend for a long time. I’ve heard a lot of other people say they felt the same.

Keep pushing through the tough stuff! It is always worth it.


Welcome Stu! Congrats on 4 months! :clap:


Welcome!! And congratulations on your 4 months. Life changes like moving can be so stressful, sounds like you are handling head on. I moved since getting sober as well and had some beautiful large goblet wine glasses that were a wedding gift, zillions of champagne flutes, fancy margarita glasses and all that kind of stuff. It is okay to mourn what was and what you are leaving behind. There were surely good times and also bad. And it isn’t uncommon to love and care for things, substances, and even people who are not healthy for us. It is also okay to let go and really open to the possibility of a fresh new life without the stuff that was actually dragging us down. Idk, that is my perspective anyway.

Glad you are here!! :heart: