Getting sober and staying clean off meth

Hi there. Name is Li. Sober 10 days off meth, still having trouble letting go of alcohol. I just want to pass on some happy vibes. If it’s been one day for you or a few days, I’m proud of you and I want you all to realize that those first few days are tough. Be thoughtful of yourself, pick yourself back up when you slip and keep up with the fight to becoming sober.

You have to want it plus you have to put in the work to fight against your cravings, urges, and triggers!

The cravings suck but replace it with a hobby and stay busy. Create new goals for yourself like eating better, working out.

The urges will tempt you each day, but that means you’ll need a crowd of sober friends to confide in through your journey to becoming completely sober.

As for triggers, yes sometimes we’ll be set off the edge and end up relapsing but that doesn’t mean you messed up if you relapse. Learn from your triggers and what drives you to use again, then create a prevention plan for yourself. This will help prevent relapse.

The journey is not easy but I’m so glad that I found this app!

God bless and stay blessed!


Welcome to the group. It sounds like you may be working a programme of some kind, either way we’ll done the first week or two always seem to be the hardest :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you!! Yeah… I was in therapy. I’m waiting to get into dialectical behavioral therapy that helps build different tools to fight everyday struggles or tasks that may make life difficult in staying sober…

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I havn’t done either of those two though I would perhaps benefit from something like CBT. I find NA incredibly helpful.
It’s nice to see that your actively doing something to support your quest.
Have you ever listened to either NA or AA speaker tapes either through an app or on YouTube, they help me to focus and I have found them to be very inspirational :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I will have to look into NA or AA. Thank you…

Just something to maybe bear in mind if you think it may help :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Yes. I think blogging and possibly reaching out to others through networking here may help some. I am more to myself these days… So in the near future hopefully!