Getting started + seizures

I’ve been on and off binge drinking for a long time (in between work, not on work days).

My last drinking lasted for seven days. I have never before had a seizure after only 7days and I even drank less than I usually do so I’m a bit freaked out about it. (Which I know I should be, seizures can be fatal.)
I’ve had only one seizure before this and it was after a one month binge.

I had my seizure on Sunday, I hope I don’t have to worry about getting more? I’m eating lorazepam because the doctor adviced me to but I don’t have many left.

Okay so anyhow… just felt like I wanted to talk about this seizure thing to someone. It was so weird that it came after such a short period of drinking.
Now I’m almost five days sober and don’t even feel like drinking.<3


I can’t comment on the seizure as I’ve never experienced one. I was however a binge drinker also, so I can congratulate you on your 5 days sober! Keep doing what you’re doing and get back in touch with your doctor if you need any advice. They should be more than happy to help someone who’s decided that they’ve had enough of the drink.


Welcome to the forum friend. And congrats on five days sober. I’d say the risk of seizures when drinking should be a pretty good motivator to keep you from drinking right? I hope this place can help you in building your sober muscles. Sure helped me. And be careful with the lorazepam as well. Don’t want to end up with another addiction. Wishing you all succes.


Well yeah that was my second seizure and I sure plan to keep it the last.
And yeah I’m careful with the lorazepam, I get 30pills every 100days so I’m using them very sparingly. Just if I really need one.
Thank you!


Welcome in!

When I did one bad quit, I was getting the shakes after even the most mild nights of drinking (though I was drinking every night…).

When it finally sank in I needed help, I went in for medical help, also aware of the seizure dangers. One thing provided was anti seizure meds to get through the first several days safely.

All to say, it’s wise to be careful and seek help. You don’t have to do this thing alone, and that includes getting medical support to come through safely. Every case is different, but being open and honest with folks about the situation, it can be alright.

Have you seen a doctor or clinic about it?


And Mno is wise… Assuming no other complications, just not drinking you may find smooth sailing after just a couple weeks completely dry. We do recover!

It’s still good to revisit the doc about how things are going, to be sure there’s not more to it than that.


Yeah, I saw a doctor yesterday, he thinks I’ll be fine with the lorazepam for these few days since I don’t need to detox anymore.

This was probably the wake up call I needed right now since drinking has been slowly creeping up to me. (I used to Be wayyyyy worse but getting back to work a few years ago has helped so much.) But yeah, it’s been creeping up on me definitely. I kinda ignored it.


Yeah. Looking back it’s crazy all the signs I ignored or didn’t think about. My body alone was bad off in so many ways I didn’t notice in the slow and gradual toll the drinking was having on me.

I hope you find your place here! The people here have been such an important part of my recovery. Everything felt so upside down the first weeks and months, but holy crap was it worth it!


Definitely hoping to get support and stuff! I’ve lost one job in the past because of drinking and that is not going to happen again - I won’t let it. And I’m glad I found this community, here are so many people that understand.
My boyfriend does understand to some level but of course can’t understand like another addict.
I also have a phone meeting with a nurse in a few weeks to talk to someone “IRL” too.
I think I’m heading the right path.


And yeah they say ignorance is bliss. It might be a bliss but it will lead to death when it comes to addiction.


Lol, yep. Like the frog in the cooking pot, don’t even notice we’re boiling til we’re stuck to the pan!

Fortunately we can hop out any time we’re ready…