Getting to know you

Let’s see how many people from all over the globe can tell me their
favorite color,
Current favorite song,
“good night” or “good morning”

And leave their state in the comments….

I’ll go first:
Im “Nickle” (like the coin)
I’m 38
Deep dark purple

Good night to all. Have a blessed evening / nights. Rest well for tomorrow is another day.

I’d like to wish everyone a Good night, it’s 9:40 and I’m in California right now.


Nickname: Lottie (I have no idea where my family got that from since my real name is Sophia) Fia, The Hippie, Kitchen witch

Age: 39;

Favorite color: Gold, hot pink, dark orange, light brown, bright red.

Favorite song: Currently Feeling like Hell Today by Cooper Alan.

Goodnight or good morning: Good morning current time in Sweden 07.00

State: Sweden doesn’t have states.


My nickname is Laner, I’m 31, my favorite color is a dark forest green, my favorite song is Graveclothes by Birdtalker and it’s evening here in Kyrgyzstan.


Nickname: Dont have one. I either get called Dana or mommy :slight_smile:
Age: 39 turning 40 in Dec
Fav color: Orange
Fav song: Dont have one. I love anything with good bass and a good beat tho
Time: Good morning at 831am here in Calgary Alberta Canada


Nickname: lamica, or lambchops.
Age 34 35 in march
Color: blue
Song: anything lol
Time: morning, 1038 am plattsburgh, ny.


Good morning!
My family nick name is: bug. My mom/aunties said I was a chubby baby that scooted on my butt instead of crawling which made me look like a water bug. IDC how and very unflattering :rofl: I’m 60 years old
I live in apple valley , CA USA home of the famous cowboy/cowgirl actor/actress Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.
I can’t say I have one favorite song because I have many!!

My favorite color is pink and black


My family calls me monkey
I am 43
Forest green
“Hate Myself” by NF
Good morning from Denver, CO USA


Roy Rogers as in Roy Rogers and sons of the the Pioneers?


Nickname: Marmite.
Age: 39.
Favourite colour: Blue :blue_heart:
London UK. 9pm
Favourite music tune: Guru Jossh Infinity played by Symphony.


Lovely to meet you Nicole – what a great thread idea

Nickname – Jazzy, Jazmanian, Jazman, jazzster
Age – 46
Favorite Color - Purple :purple_heart:
Current favorite song - Bob Marley “Time will tell”

Time in Michigan 4:25 pm


A lot of people call me trev as a nickname
I’m 35 years old
Fav color is blue
Good kid by Kendrick Lamar
Jacksonville Florida 4:35 pm


Nicknames: Chop, Poppet, or Flaps (:rofl:)
Age: 43
Colour: teal
Song: Pressure Drop
Good night!


Nice nicknames. Thanks for responding. Hope you have a good day.

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What’s the weather like in Florida. It’s hot here in cali. Only 90 but feels hottee


Hey bob Marley is that good good! My first tatto was a bob Marley lyric! Thanks for the response. :heart:


Lots of Blue lovers on this thread. I really like most colors in the deepest darkest tones almost black. And you’re across the pond. I have some folks in my home meeting from over that way. Love that we can be connected even so far apart.


Hey! Small world I know someone else with the nickname monkey too. I like that nickname. Forest green! That’s a good one.

What an adorable story. My daughter (10 mo) before she crawled she scooted on her tummy. It was adorable
Apple valley sounds lovely!

Hey there. Lambchop! I like that. I remember watching a kids show growing up where there was a lamb hand puppet called “lamb chop” thanks for the memory. It’s a bit nostalgic. :blush:

Well, I think “mommy” is one of the best nicknames! We could give you a nickname if you want “queen B” for baking! Don’t you say you’re baking these days as a hobby?