I’ve had an addiction to GHB for around a year and I’ve just gone into my second week being sober from it, the longest I’ve been since I started taking it. I still keep thinking about it all of the time and it invades my thoughts. I feel like things are getting better and I have been going to NA meetings which have helped, a few people there have taken it but not had an addiction to it so I don’t feel many people know what it is like being addicted to taking the substance. Anyone thats recovered from this how long did it take for cravings to stop. Is there anything you did to stop ordering it again? The problem I had with mine is that it was is so easy to order and I could get it next day delivery most of the time. Looking for any tips and help on this
Welcome to Talking Sober Soberdnb. Congrats on reaching the second week in your sobriety. I have never taken GHB, but I work in a detox facility and we’ve treated a number of people with addictions to the stuff. It’s not easy to beat, true. But not impossible either. It does take work and time.
In general let me say this: addiction to a substance isn’t easy to beat, whatever the substance. My DOC were weed and alcohol. While I live in a town with 500 coffeeshops selling weed, and a couple of thousand bars and even more groceries and liquor stores selling alcohol.
But easy availability isn’t the problem for us. The problem is we’re addicted, and we will do all to get our fix, easy or hard. Until we brake addiction’s back by becoming sober and clean. Which you have just done. Congrats again! The opposite of addiction is connection, so that’s what you should be looking for now. As you are by going to NA, and by coming here. We need each other, whatever the addiction (which is something NA specializes in right? Just like this place btw).
We need connection, we need knowledge of addiction and how to beat it (one day at a time to begin with) we need to share about our struggles, and we need to work on having a better life, a life we don’t need to run from by taking substances. You’ve made a great start friend! Keep going. One day at a time. Don’t go it alone. Wishing you all success.
@Mno said it far better than I could but I would like to welcome you and say that we are here with you on your journey!
GHB is not my kind of addiction either, but if you use the magnifying glass above you can type in GHB and you will find many threads about it.
And welcome here ofcourse
Thank you Mno this is a really lovely message to read today. The cravings are quite bad this week but working through it and trying to keep myself distracted. I went to my NA meeting on Monday and they were discussing a very similar thing about making any excuse to get a fix. I really love going as its like open therapy for me and I go to a local one with around 20 people that are so supportive and lovely. I have 2 friends addicted to the same thing as me and they told me they regretted introducing it to me, they are trying to come off of it as well after being addicted for 3 years
Thank you! I have already had a look over this and have seen a few posts about it but they are over a year old I might try and reach out and comment on a more recent one I have seen
The latest ones are from may 2024, maybe try those. If you use the search bar you can put it on “latest post” like I did on this screenshot.
But maybe you have discovered that feature already
GHB was my drug of choice. I didn’t even know that was still a “thing”. Most of my contemporaries have never heard of it. I was a club promoter and DJ- guessing from your handle that you were in the scene as well.
Like all substances, I found that eliminating ANYTHING that is used to make me feel different needs to go away in order to recover. That’s my take on California Sober and cigarettes and other triggers and gateways. Clean is clean. Sober is sober. Wishing you great success and new awakenings along your journey.
Hello. I have been a user of ghb for over 5 solid years now. Everyday . I cant sleep if i dont have a cap. And even then after 2 or 3 hours i wake up wide awake. My memory has turned to 1 gig , i have 2 young kids and need to do whats best for them which mean whats best for myslef. I hope that joining and reading other stories will also give me hope and guidence to getting it out of my life once and for all. Good luck to you , and me and anyone else who is struggling with this .
Thank you jay, it’s not too popular in the UK with people my age but I was introduced to it by two of my friends and unfortunately found it very easy to get (I used to take mainly anthetamines going to dnb events). I feel lucky that I was only taking G for a year and not longer tbh
Thank you and wishing you all the best in your recovery journey! The waking up every 2-3 hours is honestly the worst. Can honestly say now after 30 days of not having it my sleep is the best it’s ever been and I feel like I’m slowly getting back to myself again.