Glorifying alcohol

I’m so triggered right now with all of the talk about people drinking during quarantine. It’s bad enough as usual, much less now with everyone talking about stocking up at the liquor store. It’s so hard to watch people “having a good time”. In reality it’s not a good time. Hangovers are not a good time. Making an ass out of yourself is not a good time. Blacking out is not a good time. I know we aren’t missing out, but I find it hard to imagine never drinking again. I don’t think any of us WANT to drink again. I hate getting the thoughts of the first drink hitting your lips…I guess at the moment I’m having that "romancing the drink"moment. I’ve been sober over 8 days but man…cravings are the worst. My friend once told me that cravings take about 30 minutes to pass. I have found that just feeling the craving and acknowledging it is the best way to handle it. It does eventually pass. I’m not drinking tonight! Hope everyone is hanging in there :heart:


It’s definitely hard sometimes… I totally get it, Jane. Hang in there, just for tonight.
And who knows; some of those drinkers may be here next year…


Sounds like your keeping it simple and that helps.
How about you just don’t drink for the remainder of the day and get your head on a pillow sober tonight. Can you do that?

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Donna you’re absolutely right. I don’t wish anyone else to be in a bad situation but that very well be the case. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I can do that :slight_smile: I don’t have any alcohol or have any intention to. Just a craving…but I’m definitely not drinking tonight


Your right Jane I am drinking a green tea right now, the water looks like liquor like it has that color. I don’t have the urge to drink just saying that, earlier today I looked up the benefits of quitting alcohol. It made me happy so let’s continue me and you sober, don’t worry about people drinking just like Donna said they might be here next year, you never know


The beginning is hard… I found that sparkling water helps me… Also, just knowing that the world we are in today is so uncertain and causes alot of people stress and anxiety… so I’d imagine it would trigger those problems even more if we decide to drink… I’m glad I started this quarentine thing sober… I’m going on 3 months soon, so it does get easier. I used to drink vodka or jack Daniel every night… I was so dependant on it. But God helped me getting rid of that addiction. We still have to work on it tho. Praying for you!! Stay strong


I’m drinking camomile tea right now!! Lol


Nice hot tea is really good right now at night time.


The benefits are so much better. Better skin, more energy (usually) mental clarity. I had some tea earlier as well. I find having a nice beverage of anything other than alcohol very refreshing…especially when it doesn’t make you feel terrible:) thanks for the input!

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Me too… Must be a tea kinda night!:smile:


Thank you! Congrats on your progress! I had red rose tea earlier hahahahha…I also love sparkling water…sometimes I mix it with pineapple juice and add some mint :slight_smile:

Ohh I’m going to have to try that one! Sounds yumm

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I’ve heard in some areas they have sober bars…like where they serve mocktails etc. Even if people aren’t into mocktails or non alcoholic beer etc… I wish there were more social places for non drinkers to go other than AA. I’m not saying AA isn’t a great thing, but it would be nice to also have other social outlets


Never heard of places like that Jane.

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I feel this. I’m on my first day sober after relapsing on a ten year sobriety. This quarantine has been rough. Especially (as you said) with everyone’s nonchalant alcohol postings and the commercials on TV, it feels like it’s everywhere. Keep strong, and reach out if you feel like you are slipping. I kept quiet, and just joined here so I have others to talk to!


You stay strong as well. Thank you :slight_smile: I know relapses suck but hey congrats on your day back on the horse. It’s good we have this support system

I’ve heard about those places. I know Pop’s Blue Moon in St. Louis is alcohol free on Saturdays. I think there may be another pop up “bar” there, Sans Bar, that does alcohol free events.

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I went to a party today and I literally heard my angel and my demon arguing in my head. The demon was like "it’s your cousin birthday, just take a sip you can start all over again tomorrow. But my angle was like "your gonna feel so guilty once that drink hit your lips, you gonna throw your 12 days down the drain… long story short? I left. It’s not gonna always be a cake walk, you gonna have to put some kind of will power in it. I believe in you.


This sounds si stupid. But in my early days of sobriety I had to give up some of my favorite tv shows. There was so much drinking shown I felt like I was missing something.
After a month and a half of being sober I realized the only thing I was missing was the after effects and negatives of drinking.
Good luck on your journey.