Glorifying alcohol

I live in the Netherlands and read in the news that liquor stores make good profit these days. So I guess there’s more drinking here too because of Covid. I’m glad I can say I’m not part of that group if drinkers anymore, but I do understand your feelings. I definitely had them in de beginning of my sobriaty. It’s hard to have those voices in your head telling you just can have one. That’t one of the main reasons why I quit, I hated the good cop bad cop battle in my head. It drived me nuts. What helped me in that period was write down what would happen if I pick up. How would I feel the day after, what would it do with my relationship, work, family, self asteem, etc.
So when I started to romaticize the drinking I could read that letter to myself. It helped.
Glad to read you are doing good! Cravings are like waves, they come and go. Let’s surf them together!


In my country, Germany, alcohol consumption has also increased drastically since the Corona outbreak. People are glorifying it but at the same time they admire me and think this is the best one can do in this time to stay sober. They all struggle with their daily consumption but they won’t tell you how bad it is…
I am so glad I am sober in these days but I know it’s a hard battle sometimes especially when you are in the beginning. So keep strong. You can do it. One day at a time. That is how I got where I am today. 200 days :heart_eyes:


I totally get this. I love trashy TV like Real Housewives but they’re always drinking so can’t watch right now as I’m a week sober today xx


I live in NYC. Since covid19 arrived, I listen to ambulance sirens and helicopters all night long. My colleagues at work are dying. My neighbors are dying. I see social media posts from friends about how much alcohol they are buying and drinking and I am bewildered. Knowing the negative health effects of alcohol, staying sober right now has never been easier for me. The last thing I want to do right now is weaken my immunity.


Actually, watching them drink on those shows isn’t a bad thing; it shows how they act when they’re drunk!


Thank you Markie! I’m proud of you for your strength! The angel is always the one we should listen to :slight_smile: glad you’re pushing through!

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So true Donna. I’ve seen video’s of myself drunk and it’s quite embarrassing

I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with the worst of it. At least you have that good reminder. At least something good (staying sober for your immune system) can come out of a bad thing. Thinking of you

Thanks Mallory! It’s true. What triggered me last night was something I was watching! It’s crazy how normal alcohol is in our society. Hugs to you!

Congratulations on your week!!!

That’s awesome! Congratulations on 200 days. I’m sure people are commending you for being so strong through this :hugs:

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Thats smart to write it down! I always remind myself of the negative, but maybe seeing it would be more powerful. Glad you’re hanging in there!

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It is such devil juice to fuel demon fire lol! I’m glad you are chosing sobriety :slight_smile:

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They say it is one day at a time, but it is also one minute at a time. Especially when you are struggling with the thoughts of having another drink. I couldn’t imagine how hard it would have been for me if I couldn’t make it to a meeting because of the virus situation when I was going through the hardest 4 months. I say 4 months because that is when the thoughts started to fade away. In the big book it says that a alcoholic who recovers gets to a point where they don’t struggle with the thoughts of drinking like they once did. If faced with the situation they recoil from it like you would if your hand was over a flame. I am now 1 yr & 1 month sober. I went to my cousins house warming party & they broke out the “good” “tequila”. One of his friends asked it I wanted a shot & I said that I was not drinking. His reply was that he was sorry for me. I casually replied I am not. I now go out to these places & see the change in people & I feel bad because not only do I sympathize with them I also wish they could feel how I felt when I wanted to be sober. It is possible to enjoy everything about life & deal with hard times without having to dilute ourselves with intoxication. The seconds turn into minutes & I hope you rack up enough of them to where you start to feel the real benefits of not drinking. Hang in there & if you really need some real inspiration my only suggestion would be to read the big book. I am glad I did

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There actually was a thread not long ago on exactly that:
What’s everyone’s opinion on how society normalizes alcohol abuse?

Stay strong Jane. One day, one minute at a time. If it gets hard, breathe in sync with this & remember - this will pass, this will pass, this will pass:

Hey! Me too 8 days. Well done :)) I am in quarantine with an lovely but very active alcoholic who glorified alcohol and boy do I get tempted by his Odyssean speeches which make drinking endless beer like some kind of grand, adventure that is so NOT. Ohhh so difficult not to join in the ‘fun’ but you are right. Just face the craving and it and wait for it to pass. Because, yes! It does pass pretty quickly. And…not that I am happy to see my fellow quarantiner suffering with hangovers and acting silly and stupid when he is usually quite smart and sweet, because, hey, that was me a little over a week ago, and not a pretty sight! Don’t give up! Keep Marching :))


Congratulations on your first week of many. My reality show of chose was Vanderpump rules. I had to give that up initially for my sobriety.


Congratulations to you too! My boyfriend of 2 years is out of town for work for 6 weeks so I’m alone, but he is a heavy drinker on weekends…it can be frustrating to watch…but I’m nobody to judge of course like you said that was myself about a week ago too. :slight_smile:


Späti’s, die 24/7 Verfügbarkeit und der niedrige Preis machen den Alk doch so gefährlich… Ich denke das ist gewollt… Brot und Spiele…:man_shrugging:t6:

I can relate. Its so easy to forget all the negatives that alcohol brings. I have almost 3 months sober. It does get easier. One day at a time.
Keep up the good work!

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