I noticed that there is a general foody thread and a vegan thread, there’s also a sugar free thread (though it’s not precicely the same). So why not have a gluten free thread??? Everyone who eats this way has their own reasons, and their own level of strictness which comes from a range of wanting to be healthy, to an allergy of some sort, to full on Celiac desease.
Post all your gluten free recipes, treats, tips, tricks, and discussion in this thread! All gluten free! All the time! Go wild, my pretties!
First post has to be fancy, just because I’m an over achiever. I’m moderately strict at this point in my eating, so apply that to your own situation.
Oat crackers, Parmesan cheese slivers, guacamole, smoked salmon (and the yellow sauce that came with it), and fresh herbs from my garden (lemon thyme, chives [which are currently in bloom], and cilantro). Three are only topped with one herb each and the rest I just tossed the remaining herbs on top.
I got most of the stuff at Costco. The oat crackers I got at a specialty health food store.