Goals and Dreams

That is awesome! Congratulations on your success! Enjoy :blush:

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Wow wow wow, so inspiring man. So happy and proud of you, I don’t know you but that is amazing.

this was my dream truck for a while, five years ago I had it. I blew it to my 3rd dwi, spiralled out of control and just let it all go. Blew all my credit, sold every toy I had for coke and alcohol. Currently so far in debt, it doesn’t feel like I’ll ever pull back. But, I know if I keep drinking I never will pull it back. Atleast sober I’ll have a fighting chance. So inspired by you tho. Thank you

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  1. Stay within my budget categories like I did in February.
  2. Continue to go to phone meetings because there are none around here.
  3. Commit to a yoga class that will benefit my mind, body and spirit - signed up today.
  4. Continue kicking anxiety’s ass at work.
  5. Be of service to others by checking on someone, encouraging someone and participating in meetings.
  6. Enjoy early retirement in 2 years (please move fast time!)
  7. Travel to Hawaii again to experience its awesome beauty.

3 years ago my credit score was a 440 and I couldnt answer my phone because it was always some collector. It takes time and hard work but you can pull out of it and get that beautiful truck back. Rooting for you man God bless.

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