God Gave Me Another Chance

In prison at the age of 17, I was the first juvenile my county has ever sentenced as adult. I got out in 03/06/17, went right back in for & 8 month violation. 12/27/17 I fell in love with the woman of my dreams & we had our beautiful little girl 09/28/18… sad to say the power of addiction was stronger than the love I have for my daughter & her mother. The power of addiction is so strong I traded my beautiful little family for the bottom of a bottle along with a little baggie of blow. 07/04/19 I was arrested again, 08/19/19 I was saved by the blood of the lamb, 10/09/19 I was intaked into Central Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge since being in this program God has restored my sanity, my relationship with my girlfriend & our daughter, my parents & slowly her parents our coming around. God is so good & he loves us so much, if you let him he will change your life. May he be with you all, I love you all​:pray:t2::point_up:t2:


Welcome to T.S. Timothy. This is an incredible forum. Thank you for sharing. But for the grace of God go I.


Amen God is Good

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Stick with Him brother, He will never let you down!


Amen… :point_up::blush::100::100::100:

Well said!

And the faith be with you.

people, including myself once, say if there is a god why are there wars, why do children starve etc etc. My god doesn’t have the power to change the way of the world but he does have the power to change my will on the world, Thy will be done, once we accept such a gift life can never be the same again. I never asked for help before but the day I did I was not turned away, instead I was forgiven and welcomed with love. The only condition I can find so far is that I must love back.