Going back to work after rehab

Today after almost two months gone from work for depression and substance abuse alholic I am going back to work. I am so scared. I know when people ask were I been I just say medical leave. The rest is none of there business. But I am still scared and terifid. Any words of wisdom?

The scenario in your head will always be worse than reality. It’s still part of the addiction trying to lure you back. But just take it easy today answer as small as you can. It will soon be back to normal (minus the alcoholic you right)

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This isn’t about them, it’s about you and your mental and physical health. You can say numerous things; sick family member or simply I had some personal things to take care of.

Ultimately, know one cares… Just go to work, work hard and do the very best job you can! Don’t run scenario about the unknown. Just don’t. Just stay in the moment.

You got this!

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