Going into Day 2 (ready to be sober again)

Hey there my name is Gabe I’m 27 and have been struggling with alcohol for awhile now. I was sober for about 6 months and used this community as an outlet when I’d get weak moments. Since I relapsed due to hardships upon hardships I have been drinking daily if not every other day. I’m fortunate I have a good job and my son, my goals, and dreams to look forward too. Drinking has probably caused more damage in my life than I would’ve thought and it happened right in front of me without me realizing. I am dealing with a custody battle, selling my house (already sold thank god), finding a new place to live while I’m at my moms, bills, and the loss of another relationship as of recently. I took it upon myself to really take those steps and get sober again I miss feeling good being sober and I hate feeling like I’m stuck at the bottom of a bottle with all my emotions so I’m here today taking that step. This community has so much to offer and I appreciate any support! Thank you :pray:t4:


Welcome here. You were sober 6 months and I am sure you know what to do. Let’s make it through day 2 for you.


I’m on day two as well. I’m already feeling so much better. I hope you do, too.


Welcome back @Gabemascorro :sunflower:

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Hi @Gabemascorro first of all well done for getting six months sober and coming back that takes bravery :muscle: .you seem to have a good understanding that your life will be much more manageable if you just not pick up when things get too much . Life is life unfortunately I’m in a csa battle ,my mother is old and needing a lot of help ,my nephew is addicted to crack and I can’t do anything about it and I’m an alcoholic pothead with only a week of sobriety BUT I CANNOT drink because of people places or things that happen in life ,there going to continue to happen for the next 30 years ! when I pick up a drink not only have I lost my ability to help but I’ve also lost my ability tocope with all the shit , what we do is we get a programme of recovery we commit to it , we don’t allow the shit and voices that goes round in our sick head s telling us to go and get pissed (we’ll feel better then)!!! to even enter it ….we use the tools we’ve got and we ask for guidance and support on here .good luck on your sober journey :+1:


So good to see you back Gabe - you were missed. I am sorry for the hardships but so very grateful that you are back on the sober journey and working through life’s challenges.

Stay connected friend. It is just ODAAT and we can help support each other through this recovery :hugs:

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We all believe in you man :100: remember “just for today”


Glad to be back Jazzy would love to chat and talk about things! Missed everyone!