Going on day 2 sober from alcohol

I’m going on day 2 sober from alcohol and honestly the withdrawals haven’t been that bad, but every time I try to get sober the withdrawal symptoms always worsen around day 3 & 4. It’s mainly horrible headaches, and nausea. I have little cravings, I’m getting my energy back and motivation to get stuff done. I’m hoping this last and keeps getting better. This time is different, because of my health decline here lately I am so motivated to stop and stay sober. I’ve given myself goals, and a huge list of things to get done to keep myself busy. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and going to speak with my doctor about medications and safe ways to deal with withdrawals. I’m praying for myself and I’m keeping the faith, pray for me please, I’m staying positive for the new year. :pray:t3:


Keep on taking it 1 moment at a time. You can do this :muscle:


Congrats on your 2nd day! That first week was the hardest in my opinion. Stick with it and you’ll never have to feel this bad ever again.
Glad to hear you’re going to be open and honest with your doctor.


Keep on sharing and theres so much support on here! I found day 4 is super tough and just keep the faith it does get better and these are just moments in time not the whole journey


Welcome and congratulations on Day 2. What an achievement! I’m on day 7 now so I know it gets better. Stick around, visit often and reach out when you are struggling. We know what you are going through and the people here are so full of love and great advice.

Best wishes on your journey to recovery.


I am rooting for you, youve got this! You deserve good health, always remind yourself of that.
It may also be helpful to find some hobbies you enjoy to keep you occupied. Not just things that need to get done. I recently started making art again, doing puzzles (havent done one in years), going on walks, etc, it helps a lot to dtay distracted with enjoyable things. Youve got this :fire:


Congrats on 7 days! I just reached day 7 as well, it feels good to be able to say that. Youre doing amazing!


The first thing I did when I got sober was to go to my doctor and honestly report my alcohol use. They gave me Antabuse and a lecture. I found the meds helpful, the lecture not so much. I also followed up with counseling in the first week.

Taking positive steps to grow your sobriety is an encouraging development! Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.

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