Going out a Sunday night and I drank a Clara

Hi guys…

I am in Barcelona right now and last Sunday I had an experience a little bit annoying and I want to share with you.

I met up with a friend that I didn’t see for almost 6 years… We were in a Pizzeria. I started with sparkling water and my friend with a caña (little beer), after that he told me about the Clara, which is beer with lemon juice… After a quick thinking, I said yes to the drink… Something in my heart was saying NO!

Anyways, the Clara came to my table, and I started to drink… I didn’t feel confortable with it, with him and the situation… was so strange. First, because wasn’t the same taste as always and also because I have not drank any alcohol for almost one month)… I stopped and asked for another sparkling water…

My Psychologist says that I don’t have alcoholism, but I now that in other situation that Clara would be become to 20 Claras and a huge hangover and guilty Monday.

When I decided to stop to drink was because I don’t know when to stop… Last Sunday I could, but I didn’t feel confortable drinking. I don’t know if I am able to learn to drink in a moderate way, maybe is not a question that I have to answer now… My comfort zone is sober this days…

Will be very useful if somebody can comment and tell me theirs experiences…

I am feeling buah at this moment.



Hi @Snow,

I can only speak for myself and, with your comment (as above) in mind, I know in my heart I am not able to drink in a moderate way!

OK… one drink tonight might be ok for me. Give me confidence to try another drink in a few days time, perhaps.

Fast-forward to a month or two down the line and I’m back on a bottle of vodka (at least) per day, my life unmanageable and directionless. Play through to next year and I’d probably be dead. This may sound melodramatic but hey, life is so much easier staying sober, so why bother trying liquor of any sort again.

Make mine a sparkling water please!


Yeah! I am scared of that as well, to start to be confidence but no! is just a mirage… I am ok being afraid of…

Many thanks for your comment.

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@Snow. Great job! Tough situation to be in and you handled it like a champ. Kudos to you!

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