Going solo , got no choice

This app has been helpful to me , im 78 days sober today so in under a month ill hit the milestone of 100 days sober , whilst thats great, something about it is bothering me way more than i try to show… its because of how ive been in my drinking years, ive wound up a very isolated and solitary individual. Partially by chouce, im like that, but mainly because ive ruined any and all meaningful relationships, and at 54 , wirh a drink damaged body and mind , these milestones get a little difficult to celebrate. I feel like im gonna put everyone on a downer but i needed to say this stuff out loud to ppl i know might understand. At a moment in my journey into sobriety i should be celebrating, im just loneliest ive ever been, bcz i cant drink away the despair of my loneliness any more it has to be faced full on, whivh is so, so bloody hard. I feel like im just waiting for the inevitable, its no way to live your life.


You’re not alone here, @DJUK . I know it’s hard facing full on sober all the shit we escaped from feeling with our doc. But you’re here, and you’ve gotten to day 78, so that’s something to celebrate.
Sending you some light and love :two_hearts:


for me i couldnt have done this alone left to my will power id prob be dead . going to meetings making new friends helped wish you well


Thanks so much, it really is appreciated, im so isolated that kindness of a stranger can make me well up. Its emotionally exhausting.


At 54 you still have plenty of time to make your life whatever you want it to be. Every day try to do something to make you feel satisfied and useful.
For starters, on this app you can support and make connections with lots of people. :purple_heart:


Hi @DJUK you’ve got to day 78 that means you have loads of things you could try to find and enjoy .you’re free from the bondage of having to isolate now . I kinda agree with @Ray_M_C_Laren friendships and kindred spirits can be found in the rooms so you don’t have to be on your own , try and be kind to yourself you’ve got a whole new future you can build now


@DJUK , hi Darren how are you feeling today

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Anxious. Thanks for asking

We’re not too dissimilar. However, I think if you aren’t busy living, you’re busy dying.

I’m not going to live a small life in the shadows. Every second is precious and I’m going to put myself intentionally out of my comfort zone.

Maybe you should too.

Congrats on 78 days!

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Hi @DJUK aniexty s ok fuel it with positive thoughts not negative ones feel the fear and do it anyway. I’ll give you an example of my experience Yesterday. I booked a hair appointment for the first time in nine years only because I walked past and they wanted models I don’t have much money and I will only have to pay £25 for a cut wash and colour I have a bit of a phobia with hairdressers I’ve only ever had 4 haircut in 44 years and by god was I anxious and spinning out , I even had to sit down and talk to her because I was palpitating , sweating and felt like I was gonna pass out what transpired is that I didn’t pass out the lady was very kind and understanding she assured me that the trainee is 8 weeks away from being qualified and she would be supervising her throughout she also assured me she s very good and she cut her hair (it looked great ) I let go and let my higher power take care of it I don’t need to control or worry about the outcome I just need to have a bit of faith in the salon . I felt fine afterwards no anxiety just a sense of achievement for forcing myself to do it . I’m also happy that I now have a goal and reason to look after my money for good things. Give it a go mate you can push through this .congratulations on all your days your doing great :+1::blush:

Congratulations Darren @DJUK 78 days is amazing! 1 day is enough to celebrate so 78 is freaking fantastic! I too isolated my self in a corner hiding behind the bottle. When i made that decision to stop I needed help! What i experienced in early recovery was the grieving process. I may be wrong but i it sounds like you may be experiencing the same thing. Finally after a year and a half of alone sobriety (thank God I didnt drink) i went to in peron meetings and raised my hand to share, angrily expressing how much I didnt want to drink and I dont know how to do it alone. My recovery process changed at that very moment. The fellowship surrounded me and I surrendered. To the process of recovery. I raised the surrender flag to isolation, to my anger. Online is great to reach out when we dont know how, and sometimes that 1000 lbs phone is way too heavy! That’s just my experience strengh and hope. Just keep coming back just one day at a time.

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Yay 100 days soon! FAB!! I drank alone for 3 reasons: 1 I was a mess when I drank and no one wanted to be around me 2 I didn’t have to face any consequences of my mouth with others the next morning and 3 and the most IMPORTANT reason I rationalized in my sick mind, I DID NOT want to share my booze. So yes, we kinda reap what we sow with that one on sobriety. But my real friends were so happy for me because of my sobriety and support me along the way. The best part, though, was the clean slate I was able to establish. I can now live my life the way I want to! A clean slate with nothing but what pleases YOU :pray: That’s my favorite part about sobriety- the personal growth and the potentials!! Embrace the new opportunity and live life on your terms!! :hugs: