I’m certain it’s part of the process and perhaps even a reason we imbibed to begin with. Disappointment in folks just not seeming to care as much as we believe we do.
This sobriety journey has been filled with emotions, ups and downs, which when I was drinking, I’d never really paid much attention to these things.
Seems without drowning these things out we finally need to face them. That’s hard as many tools needed seem foreign, at least to me.
We fortunately found this place as we all have similar dispositions it seems and it’s always accepting and understanding.
Or perhaps us biker kids just need to stick together as we have much more issues upstairs and that’s why we throw ourselves down the highway with a piece of leather and brain bucket to keep us safe!
That is so often the case with me as well, needing to get it out versus holding tightly to it, festering.
I know the loneliness, friends have dropped off, we moved, other responsibilities keep me busy, blah blah blah. I am blessed to have a friend I can always turn to, and sometimes do. But still, as others said, sobriety alone can be lonely at times…all the change…all the emotions. And my husband is a dear wonderful man, but not the deep emotional conversation kind of human.
I do often think of adding AA to my life simply for the social aspect. Maybe for you too? Idk
I have, at times, been overly invested on here versus in my life away from a screen. For me, that is part of my current work.
Thank you SR. I always appreciate your insights and wise words… perhaps AA, I dunno. I don’t have a lot of choice out here in the rurals but perhaps I will look into.
For this instance, it was good to finally post about it and to hear, once again, I’m not alone in these feelings. It’s somewhat normal and something I just need to learn how to navigate.
Like you, I’ve probably been guilty of too much time invested to screen time, and I’m really trying to control that better…
It’s all a work in progress. At least I’m feeling better today. Perhaps the sun finally shining has something to do with that…