Going to need some help!

Happy New Year everyone :heart::heart:
I woke up sober and happy this morning (major change from last year!) but I’m going to need some support over the next few days I think. The last 5 days I’ve been sober I have been at home with nothing to think about but looking after myself but it’s back to real life tomorrow. I’m back in work and my partner is away tomorrow night which would usually mean a couple of bottles of wine. I can’t go to a meeting tomorrow because I have my daughter here so I will be on here looking for support. I’m still 100% motivated but I think this will be my first big test. Xx


You can do it Sarah! I will be here for you as im sure many others will be too xx


We all need help. We’re here. You’re not alone Sarah. And when you like meetings, maybe try some online ones? Here’s a place where you can find lots of 'm: In The Rooms: An Online Addiction Recovery Community

Let’s do this! Happy New year to you X


Hi Sarah. Happy New Year! Great start to the year, let’s keep it going.
You know tomorrow might be tough so get a plan in place. Get some NA drinks in that you like. Some tasty food. And plan an activity, maybe with your daughter. Break your normal routine in this situation, and make a new one.
As Kelly says, we are here :people_hugging: Keep checking in X


Good of you to come here for help! Do you have any alcohol in your house? Maybe let your partner put it away somewhere ore in a closet he can lock up for you? Maybe it sound childish :smiling_face: But if it works, it works.
Fill your house with enough comfy food and nice healthy drinks. I do not know the age of your daughter but maybe plan an activity around her. Maybe bake ore cook something nice together?

And happy new year for you too Sarah!


Hi there!

105 days since my last relapse here. What have I been doing different since the last one? Aside from counseling there are two that are functioning very well:

  1. daily taking of disulfiram, which is a alcohol drinking deterrent. Check it out and talk to your doctor about it. Works for me.
  2. I asked two friends to check up on me 2 times a week.

However, counseling has been the #1.

Hope for the best!


I also loved wine - it wasn’t just the effect that alcohol had on me, it was the “rituals” surrounding wine and where/how I would drink it. I’ve replaced wine with black current juice when I cook (still use my fancy wine glass!) and have swapped in tea for later in the evening. Still feels fun, without the regrets :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all the suggestions as always :heart: I asked my partner to pour away all the alcohol last week (he’s stopping drinking with me for now) and I’m going to cook my favourite dinner then watch some rubbish TV whilst checking in on here. My daughter is 13 and I said she could have a friend over which will help as I won’t want to drink in front of her (realizing now my secret drinking is very obvious!)
I’ll have a look at those online meetings thanks (tried one which was in the USA last week) and I’ve got counseling Wednesday and a real life meeting Thursday. I’ve got this :+1::blush:


Be on here as often as you need. You have a whole community in your pocket. You can do this.


Play the whole tape, remember what you want in life,and you can zoom a meeting.

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Happy New Year! We’ve got you! We’re always here and helping each other :slight_smile:

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Good morning :smiley: I’m just about to get ready for work, I’m feeling so calm and rested, it’s amazing. I think I’m very lucky that I’ve managed to stop drinking with only a couple of days of feeling like crap, I know others suffer terribly. (A miracle considering I’ve been drinking for 20+ years)
Remember, ODAAT. I’ll be checking in later for support :+1::blush::blush::heart:


Good morning Sarah, your doing so well…remember if things do get tough you can slow ODAAT down to a minute or even a second at a time if you need to. Great to see you checking in regularly, keep going, im rooting for you xx

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That’s what this community is here for @Blondie75

Give us a shout any time. We’re here to support you while you trudge the road to happy destiny.

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Home from work, feeling ok! Pizza in the oven, couldn’t be bothered cooking :joy: my mind has been wandering all day, thinking of future and past events but as I said on my other thread I keep pulling my focus back to the here and now. It really helps so much :pray: one of my colleagues was rough as hell after drinking yesterday and I couldn’t help feeling, that would normally have been me. Have a lovely evening everyone xx


Enjoy yours and your pizza @Blondie75

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