Going to rehab on monday

Yep it’s happening, I’m going to rehab on Monday. I’m gonna be there for a month and I hope it helps. I have my doubts and my fears about it, but generally I’m excited to go there finally. Wish me luck.


Good luck :+1:t2:

Good luck to you!

I hope you put in the work and find some peace. Good luck

Wishing you luck and I hope it does help. Try to be open to the tools they offer, and some of the rules seem silly but in the end. Just do it :slight_smile:

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Good luck! Check in if your’e able to and let us know how youre doing. :+1:

Good luck!! You can do it!

Go with an open heart and mind. You got this.

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Best of luck to you :pray: I believe in you!

Going to rehab was the best thing I’ve done but for me I had to get away I knew that I could not do it anywhere close to my home town so I went to Kentucky and today I am 435 days free from my DOC it work if you work it


I think it’s all in what you make of it. I went to rehab for 28 days. Then to a half way house where after about 3 months I started cheeking my welbutrin and sniffing it. Then a couple times on weekend passes to my home town I got cocaine all while still acting sober, saying I was sober. Stayed in the half way house for over a year and messed up a few more times. Just be honest and put in the work. Best of luck


I feel the same, I feel like as long as I live with my abusive ex I will just keep doing drugs, I desperately need to move out. I hope I’ll be able to do that after rehab.

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Good luck honestly put in the work and make the best of it .some of the rules are corny but its how you make the most of your time . I went to one and honestly wasn’t so bad just the corny rules some of them and at first i was playing around …wheb i got my phone acouple times because i had to pay bills and i actually made acouple bets really quick on fan duel … i went around the time of nfl playoffs and made a couple bets and hockey bets i dont recommend to do that … wishing you luck take everything you can from it and youll do ok ! Try not to pull a me and rebel and do dumb things keep your head up and youll do just fine !!!

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I agree about the whole doing rehab far from home .i live in Virginia and wanted to leave va for rehab so i went to Maryland which was nice just leaving the state and getting away from it all … to know when people care about you they would drive the 8 hours total .that showed commitment from them

I went many years ago and was sober for 18 years after. For me, getting the alcohol out of my system and not having access to any was a game changer. I was so relieved. I relapsed years later because I let my guard down. But…initially my experience at rehab was very positive.


No luck needed. Youll get out, what you put in.
Look for simarities and not differences.
Take that time to rest and focus on you because only you can be the change.
It takes a lot of courage to walk through those doors.
You can do it.
One day at a time.


That’s so awesome news to hear! I always love it when a fellow addict decides to get clean like its the best news ever in my opinion!

Believe you can. …… Do it!:+1:t2: