Golfers in Recovery

I play a lot of golf and with that comes drinking typically. It’s always been hard. Even when I tell myself I’m not going to once I am at the course my self discipline seems to vanish.

Anyone else a golfer? Any recommendations on how to stay strong would be appreciated.


For me, it was as simple as realizing it didn’t help my score. I also always walk, usually carrying my own clubs. So, its just a hassle to have any type of drink other than a bottle of pop or water that I can put in my bag.

Maybe start there… do you usually walk the course? That’s my first bit of advice, skip the golf cart!

Wish you well!


I used to walk all the time but definitely got lazy. I’ll try that out this weekend! Thanks


I used to bartend for Pinehurst Resort. I’ve been sober now 81 days. Had to step away from the way I was living and handling my life. When I golf I just enjoy the nature with my coffee or water. Being in my sobriety has become more enjoyable in the moment than what used to have a drink with it. I know a lot of guys do the non alcoholic drinks.


We gotta get a round in together if you are still in the area! The N.A. beers are a good option. Congrats on 81 days too!

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I already knew when I saw recruiter lol
I said, this guy probably in the area hah. Be easy brother.

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When i played i was just thinking about the 19th hole {BAR) i enjoyed it more when i got sober more relaxed as it was invented here in the promised land made it more enjoyable ,was down at Troon for the open

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Golf, fishing, hunting, watching sport with the lads is often an excuse for drinking. The activity is actually secondary to the drinking. You can still play golf, but realize that the drinking is a choice and not mandatory


I hear you, but echoing some of the similar advice that has already been said, coffee, or even a nice cold coke goes a long way! Breath in that morning dew and you will be surprised how much you enjoy your sober round!