Good murder mystery books

Yes! I read all her books I love them!

Thanks so much

Thanks, this might sound dumb but what is a Nordic noir genre ?

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Omg yes!!!I remember that. Ugh makes me cringe

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I love reading about them too. I got it from Barnes and noble, it talks about so many killers I never knew about. Different types and about how they became how they are. Some were born that way and others werenā€™t they snapped and then how the author actually ran into a few during his lifetime. Itā€™s a trip.

Was Girl With The Dragon Tattoo good? I have all three, just havenā€™t read them.

Iā€™ll take your advice to the bank. Iā€™d had the list on my burner for a while. I just finished reading Origin by Dan Brown. Havenā€™t decided what to pick up next though.

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I didnā€™t even know there was one!

Did you ever read Hunger Games? What was your opinion about that series?

Hunger Games was more of a Dystopian Society than a fantasy. It was all thing that the author believed could actually happen, should the US continue down the path itā€™s on.

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I rather like the Millennium trilogy, but Iā€™m a simple mofo lol.

Iā€™m currently rereading A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin. He wrote rosemaryā€™s baby.

My favourite thing is to read a book that inspired a film, particularly horror. Gives you a whole new perspective on the story.

Download amazonow kindle and typed in free books there are loads overy 50,000 Iā€™m still searching and itā€™s been 2 days browzing