Good riddance to hangovers! (And other things I don't miss)

Drunk texting/social media use - I would go through my activity log to make sure none of my comments/posts were nonsensical or obviously drunk sounding

No hangovers

No blacking out

No forgetting conversations

No mystery bruises

No sleeping through alarms i set on my phone because I knew I wouldn’t be able to wake up in time… Lol

No finding puke in places when I don’t remember puking (Jesus that was fucking dangerous!)

Not waking up still drunk

No risky behavior (random hookups)

Less shame (I still sometimes dwell on past drunk behaviors - I’m working on that)

No regrets

Less dirty laundry - because I am better at keeping up with it

Spending less money on take out because I don’t feel like puking while cooking

Buy things I need when I need them because I actually have money for that shit now, amiright?!

I can honestly say that, right this minute, I don’t miss drinking.


I relate to all of this!!!

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Hangovers are almost the worst thing ever! 9 out of 10 of my hang overs are me trying to sleep all day while throwing up every 30 mins… but the most worst about the hangovers is I have 3 beautiful kids and a wife, that left me recently, who I neglected. I missed so many family outings and bonding time with my kids. Yes I felt like I was dying but who was suffering more? Me or my family? Only a week sober now so the wounds are fresh and I can honestly say there is no amount of alcohol worth what I’ve done to my family…

  1. No hangovers
  2. Avoid guilt
  3. Remember what you do
  4. Improve relationships
  5. Become healthier
  6. Less anxiety
  7. Better sleep
  8. Be able to accomplish more
  9. Be a better husband
  10. Be a better parent
  11. Avoid shame
  12. Save money
  13. Eat healthier

I agree with all of these. Especially don’t miss the shakes & throwing up every morning. Or the extreme anxiety and high blood pressure


These are Im having all the time and I promise not to drink again, but repeating it on average every week:((((

Terrible taste in mouth in the morning

Headache and puking

Lost of appetite

Eating shitty food

Feel sick stomach (for few days)

Depression (for few days)

Irritation and Apathy

NO motivation to work

Feeling guilty

Panic attacks and anxiety

Spending way to much money

Talk bullshit to people

Sleeping all day long


I keep a list on my phone I make myself read if I think about having a drink, here it is:

  • leg cramps, acid reflux, diarrhea, low bloodpressure
  • calling my family when drunk
  • lying to people I’m close with
  • risky bicycle rides
  • broken bones/teeth
  • missed meetings with friends
  • being thirsty while not being able to keep down water, constant punking
  • blackouts
  • passing out drunk
  • oversharing personal stuff
  • cravings while working
  • shaking hands and telling people I got a new Espresso machine
  • not understanding the necessity of a wine rack
  • secret trips to the recycling bin
  • not eating for days at a time
  • constantly stealing alcohol from my roommates and replacing it secretly
  • continuing to drink alone when getting home from a party
  • drinking leftover wine from guests
  • drinking whiskey out of a coffee cup on public transport
  • binges that last for a week
  • deep desperation and sucicidal thoughts
  • shame/guilt/feeling worthless
  • not leaving the bed for a week
  • sex with complete strangers