Got lost in a thread/topic now I feel sick

I only slept for 3 hours my mind was racing with thoughts. But I think I finally understand and accept that I do have a problem. And I don’t think I ever want to ever drink again or be around any of those so called “friends” my eyes are wide open now. I hugged my fiancé so tight this morning and apologized for everything and reminded him how deeply in love I am with him. I wrote down every bad thing that’s ever happened to me under the influence so I can always read over it to remember. The whole idea of “fun night” was never true.


Honestly I only had 3 hours of sleep. But I’m okay just catch myself thinking of this one certain person on here. I don’t know why I’m so worried for someone I don’t even know. All I know is today my views are certainly different. I feel so much more confident on my journey to sobriety.


My heart goes to you. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are happy and in a better place. I send peace and so much love. May your heart feel a little warmth from my heart. And yes! I agree maybe some positive threads for awhile until I feel ready. I always want to help others even when I’m myself an weak.

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Sassy has a good list here - maybe you have some in common :innocent: (scroll down a bit for the list)


Sending hugs your way. You absolutely shouldn’t tell yourself that you don’t deserve to feel how you do because someone else “had it worse” I used to do that so much. And it was really just me gaslighting myself and not giving myself any empathy for how I was feeling. It wasn’t healthy. You are worth love and empathy. Especially your love :heart:

I am so sorry you had to go through all of that :pensive: I am so happy that you made it through and that you are here with us. You are so important! Don’t ever forget that!


Thank you! I see a lot of me in her. I’ve copied that list and saved it to my phone.


And so are you!! Thank you :pray:

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Glad my list helps!! It sure has helped me a lot over the years. Remembering the reality of my drinking vs the fantasy of it relaxing me or making life ‘fun’. Hope you are having a good day. :heart:


Actually had to use your list this morning. Just woke up on the wrong side I guess everything is upsetting me, I just have no patience on the road. And I most definitely know 8am is too early for a drink just trying to hold myself back from going out for one during lunch. But I feel better right now, think I’ll continue to go over that list every hour. :two_hearts::pray: you’re a blessing!


Sometimes we have to take life one minute at a time and that is okay. It helps me, always, to remember why I started on this path. Reach out if you need to, someone is always around. :heart:

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This was my experience, after reading around, I had similar feelings as you @Ktorres , I took a break for a week or so and really processed those feelings before coming back. We all deserve to recover no matter the severity of our condition.

And our instincts are always trying to allow us to go back to using or drinking, no matter how toxic it has become in our lives.

We get better together through our shared experiences. Stay strong and let the stories here strengthen your resolve for sobriety.


I made it!!! I was worried I was going to let this day get to me but no. Like you said “one minute at a time” just focused on work. Didn’t even think of stopping for a drink. :facepunch:t3::clap:t3:


Well done, you!!! That’s great.


Good for you Katy. :+1:t2: :innocent: Great work!


Well done!! Building those sober muscles!! :muscle:

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