
So, I graduated drug court on Wednesday October 23rd. It was an amazing experience. I completed another Goal I’ve set for myself. I’ve been clean for 1 year and 4 months. Ever since I’ve graduated and have my freedom completely back my cravings have been increased. I know my coping skills and I ignore all the negative thoughts in my head as much as possible, but I recently picked up smoking again (ecig) and im starting to get worried. I don’t like attending meetings because it’s a huge trigger for me. I need to try and find more coping skills, but don’t know where to begin. Could you guys name some of your coping skills. :heart:


Hey there and welcome to the forum, great work on you sober time and graduating drug court, your doing fantastic. Some things that help me-
Exercise, yoga, meditation, sober podcasts, speaker tapes on youtube, baking, SMART recovery meetings, chatting to sober friends here, never crave alone, play the tape through, get fresh air everyday, and lots of rest and quality me time.
Keep reaching out your doing amazing :blush:

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Regular exercise, calling my sponsor, making a gratitude list, going to AA and NA meetings, hanging out with people with years of sober time, volunteering in my community:) good luck friend!