Grateful For Days Like This

Just wanted to say how grateful I am for days like today although I’m coming to the end of day 5 without alcohol and day 8 without pills and I’ve still got a lot to figure out and the rest of my life to do it, being out on my morning walk with my dog (That him in pic) and being truly present is what keeps me going and getting through the day,y family have been incredibly supportive since all of this too and they’re my motivation too.
It’s a new routine I’m getting into. How do you unwind especially when you feel stress?


For me when i stressed i walk and watching the nature is relaxing for me. Listen to music is another thing that help to relax for me.


Listen to nature today was amazing. I’ve been out in it throughout my drinking and everything but today, the sounds the smells everything just felt different, clearer. Not gone down the music route just yet


I walk a lot and when I’m stressed I walk even more :hugs:
What helps as well is listening to podcast about reducing stress ore listening to music. Writing down the stuff I’m worrying about is helping as well as venting here on TS.
Congratulations with your sober and clean days!! :tada::tada:

Picture made during one of my walks :wink:


Ps, nice dog!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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