Gratitude List. 5 things daily

My gratitude is fading, but it lives.

Another friend passed today.

I’m grateful he was there at my lowest,
I’m not grateful his wife didn’t tell me he was in intensive care
But. In retrospect, my friend was dying, I’m the last of her concerns
I’m going to miss my friend


so sorry for your loss :broken_heart: :people_hugging:


I appreciate that
My chest aches
I know it’s my anxiety
Loss really aches

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Totally understandable friend… sending you big bear hugs of comfort. Hopefully you can try some deep breathing to help you release the anxiety :pray::people_hugging:

We are here for you if you need to talk.

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@JazzyS is gonna be thankful tomorrow when the Wolverines close out this CFP Title game! Told you they had it :sunglasses:

LOL – yeah - it’s a good game for sure. Many happy Wolverine fans – GO BLUE!

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Happy for you all! Great season :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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I have plenty to be grateful for, but today…
Today is a time of mourning

“”" I’m frustrated
My friend passed and have not been eating
Just doing that, just water and coffee
Gained 5 lbs"“”

If i feel this bad, i know his whole family feels bad too

It’s not comforting because he would not put up with “THOSE OF US” carrying on

  • waking up sober
  • making sober plans and reading about sobriety
  • my husband and kids
  • my new job
  • no cravings

BIG HUGS to you in your time of mourning. Dealing with loss is hard enough and all the emotions that go along with it can be exhausting.

Here if you need to talk or a shoulder to lean on. :people_hugging:

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I am Grateful for my warm house when it’s -32 outside
I am Grateful for a puzzle to do when it’s -32 outside
I am Grateful for comman start in my vehicle and a husband who is willing to go get groceries when it’s -32 outside
I am Grateful for clean litter boxes for the cats inside when it’s -32 outside
I am Grateful I filled the bird feeders before it hit -32
I am Grateful the dogs run fast to poop and get back when it’s -32 outside!
Stay warm out there people ( if you live anywhere it’s cold)


I’m grateful for:

  1. @Mno ’s morning check in pics :heart_eyes:
  2. YouTube as a vehicle for free learning
  3. Dogs, all dogs, especially my 3
  4. ChatGPT for infinite reasons
  5. Every single day my momma walks this planet

And, of course covfefe :coffee:


☆My 292 days of sobriety
☆my children
☆being off work today
☆playing in the snow with my kids

Have a Blessed day everyone!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:


Grateful to have shelter in these cold temps
Grateful to be feeling well enough to get back to work
Grateful for family days for the foster kids giving us extended breaks
Grateful for newly discovered and fully funded daycare for the foster kids
Grateful for my wife, my kids, and my neices who love selflessly

  1. Our new friends. Went for dinner & hangs today and it makes me so happy. It feels like I have known her way longer & the kids have so much fun together.
  2. My kids. Oh my god i love them so insanely much.
  3. My husband. Hes stupid beautiful inside & out.
  4. Going to see my mom & nephew.
  5. The fire in me. Xo.

So grateful to be sober today. Xo.


I am thankful for health insurance

A sober holiday (hurricane) season

I have a good job that I like.

My cat Inky

My Mom.


I love this thread. It’s so needed right now. Well, gratitude is always a good thing, regardless of your mental state.

Today I’m grateful for:

:one: My daughter Ava’s heart :melting_face:
:two: A clean and warm home
:three: Technology
:four: Having a broad set of skills to side hustle with
:five: A new friend I met on LinkedIn


‭‭James‬ ‭4:9‬
[9] Be sad, cry, and weep! Change your laughter into crying. Change your joy into sadness.

Another friend passed away today. I don’t know how much more if this i can handle

It went from ok last month to intensive care after 2 weeks, then two weeks

:cry: :cry: :cry:

But I’m ok.
I’m grateful to have known my friends
Their initials are

  • KH died today best friend brain tumor Texas
  • BH died last week best friend Soldier Veteran deployment illness IDL Texas
  • TB died two weeks ago wife’s uncle covid Indiana
  • DM died last week my cousin Texas
  • MK did three weeks ago , my friend, he was one of former Soldier Veteran deployment illness IIllinois
  • VT died two weeks ago Soldier Veteran deployment illness Texas
  • RF died 15 Dec car accident in California

Farewell my friends

My chest aches harder today
i stopped an anxiety attack with my meds



I am so very sorry for all the loss you have had to endure recently :people_hugging:

Sending you comfort and big hugs my friend



Been a while since I posted on this thread. Here goes…

My grats for Sunday:

Grateful for a day off today.
Grateful for coffee :coffee:!!!
Grateful for kitty purrs and snuggles. :smile_cat::heart_eyes_cat:
Grateful for my siblings to help with taking care of our Mom.
Grateful for my iron will and determination to remain sober throughout all the trialsome times.
