Gratitude list - how many things to list?

Hey all!

Hope youre all well and sober. Love this forum. Helps me so much. Im a 33 year old lad from the UK, just wondering can someone put me in the right direction regarding gratitude lists? I want to do one every night at the of my day. How many things do i list?

Many thanks,



Hi Sam! There’s quite some gratitude threads around on this forum, this one is the most active, so I’d say have a look and read around there. Should give you plenty of ideas. And maybe start sharing your gratitude there too.

I wouldn’t say there’s a fixed number of things to be grateful for, although i do know of a ‘five things to be grateful for’ thread around here as well. Have a great sober day friend!


Thank you very much!

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I also think around 5 is a good number. I used to do 10 a day for my sponsor, and they start getting automatic which is not good. 5 allows to to have some variety between days depending on what happened that day.


I agree. I’ve also read research that suggests people get the most benefit from journaling about gratitude when they expand on at least one item rather than just make a bullet pointed list. Writing even a few sentences about why they are grateful for that particular thing. I journal about 5 items daily, but don’t force the number explicitly.