Had a comprehensive ultrasound for my son today in the city (I’m from a small regional town) and what was a long list of concerns all turned out to be nothing to worry about. Got a very healthy baby boy cooking in there Spent quite a while very stressed about this so I couldn’t be happier. Also cut off a friend who was holding me back and turned down an offer for alcohol and weed. Celebrated with home-made burgers and I’m feeling great!
So happy for you and your baby!
Wonderful news about your baby!
Way to go on being a strong mama and protecting yourself and your little one from alcohol and weed. Look at you go!
Great work! You will be giving your baby boy the best gift ever of a sober mama.
So glad to hear!!!
Happy for you! What a relief!
That’s the best news you could ever ask for! I’m super happy for you
Thank you Smitty, me too!
Couldn’t be happier, thank you so much Doreen
Thank you LAB, I feel ready for this now, the sacrifices genuinely feel good when I’m making them for him
Thanks Chiron, I really think so too
Thanks Sassy, I’m happy to have such good news to share
Thanks Lisa, amen to that
Thank you Dan, the weight off my shoulders is tremendous. Onto bigger and better things!