Grieving Pet Loss

In 2021 I adoped 3 baby (domestic) rats from the humane society. I named them Linguine, Fettucine, and Rigatoni, aka the Pasta Triplets. Rats are amazing pets, and these three little guys brought me so much joy and life. Truly the only downside to having a rat is that their lifespan is so short.

In October I had to say goodbye to Fettucine due to cancer. This weekend Rigatoni let me know that his time had come, and I helped him across the Rainbow Bridge. I only have Linguine left of the trio, and I know that he is quite old, and likely lonely being the sole survivor (rats are very social creatures, you should never have just one).

I’m not in a position where I can get more rats, and I know that it’s just a matter of time before Linguine joins his brothers. I’m pretty heartbroken, and yet I feel so stupid sometimes expressing this grief because “they’re just rats,” even though I KNOW that they were more than just little stinkers.

Having a really difficult time. I managed to stay away from booze, but after Rigatoni passed I just wanted to Stop Feeling, so I got high. Not proud of it, and of course it didn’t help. Winters are tough enough for me with Seasonal Affective Disorder (on top of my regular ol’ depression), and knowing that my three boys will not be with me during this season is really bumming me out.

I don’t know. I guess I’m rambling. Thanks for listening.


Pet rats are lovely, they are not what people think when they hear the word rat. They are just like oversized gerbils really.
Loosing any pet is difficult. Animals are great companions, they give us a routine in looking after them, make us feel less lonely, make us feel needed.

Unfortunately, as you said, their lifespan is short but, they are spending their entire life (almost, from the time you got them anyway) with you as their carer. So although you have only had them a short time in your life, know that you have been with them for the majority of their lives and you have given them a good life.

Enjoy the rest of your time with Linguine (such a cute selection of names) and spoil him.

Grief is grief, whether your companion is a rat or a cat or a dog or a snake. They all hold a place in our hearts and it hurts to say goodbye to them.


Im so sorry for your loss. Pets of any kind grow close to our hearts and its tough losing them. Multiple people in this community have gone thru the grief of pet loss and got thru it sober. I lean on their example as hope i can do it too.

Keep close and reach out whenever you need more support!


I feel for you :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: No animal is “just an animal” whether it be cat, dog, bunny, rat, and the list goes one. They are our friends and family. I am so sorry you are going through such a tough time right now. Losing a furry friend is never easy (much less 3 :sob:) but getting high or drunk doesn’t help. It makes you deal with the feelings longer because you bury them and they resurface later.
:people_hugging: and :heart:


So sorry for your grief. They are family. Thank you for sharing here.


I’m sorry for your loss. I know it’s hard. Our furry friends become part of the home, part of our circle of love and our heart. It is a heartbreaking loss to lose them, and the grief is deep.

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