Group check ins: Recovering Porn addicts

Welcome jesse! It is brave to admit you have a problem. Ive been battling this addiction all my life. Got exposed age 8-10 to my dads porn, now im in my 40s and im still battling. Shame has dominated me most of my life, but im working on that every single day. Happy to have you here!


thank you friend! i’ve also been struggling with this since about 10 years old, and i’m in my early 20s now. it’s hard to think i’ve spent half my life thinking this way, but only just now realized it was a problem. the shame is definitely difficult to shake, but i’m confident that we each have the strength to do it together! reading my fellows’ experiences has helped me start believing that :] thank you for your kindness, we’re in this together!


We are in it together! My story is all over this site over the past 3 years. I’ve been fighting it. It’s not easy, but i have to keep checking in, making sure I’m not allowing myself to be dominated. One day at a time!


I just found this forum page i have been a recovering porn addict since January/ 22/ 24 that was my relaps i e been going to meetings and did a deep dive into my trama and childhood. It has helped me immensely. my wife has been by my side, even at my worst. Daily journals and self help podcasts. I use IMDB app on my phone to check movie ratings and have an accountability app also. Im so gratefull for my journey and now I have another resource to utilize


Hello all. Recently discovered this app as part of my walk towards recovery from decades of porn/sex addiction and am thrilled to have a place where I’m understood, to get inspiration, to learn, and maybe most importantly to feel safe. Despite years of pornography addiction i remain technology illiterate so I will be doing my best to navigate through this new world. Thank you to all those who have come before and created this amazing space.


Hi all. Well it has been a while since I spoke in this forum.It has been 190ish days since I quit cold turkey porn,masturbation.I been addicted for fifty-plus years. I started when I was eleven or so,out of curiosity and quite innocent.My relationship with mum and dad was emotionally neglected,but we did not kno.It has been very lonely growing up,I replaced God with addiction.I was,a child who done things on my own strongly stubborn a trait that mum and dad had. My brother relationship was very minimal.As we are four years apart.But the good Lord was always their for me,even though mum and dad were nominal Christians.So I was the eldest given responsibility at a very young age of thirteen looking after house and my younger brother,while parents were working. I understood enough to think of my future career as a musician playing guitar.But I was limited with my academic ability,so I decided on a career in music in army. But all the this time I led a double life
Yes I grew up so naive of life.All my education on sex women all came from the streets friends or so I thought,because they were not there when I had a major emotional break down, ended in jail overnight.But to save face my parents paid for the bail out money.But never forgave me for this.Addiction went from mild to sever as my mind was totally absorbed into this self centred controlled addiction. A woman sent me over the top,affected my entire life.But it changed me for the betteri went back to church few years later.Got married had five children three with disabilities,worked in a job I hated but needed to support family.The addiction was chronic went to harder porn, and signs of emotional stress and sickness.I better stop here because the story is long,and now I’m determined to put a hold and literally divorce from this fake porn wife.And before anything else happens hopefully not Huntingson disease,my mother passed away with this neurological disease of the mind.I am making my peace with wife children and grandchildren. There is a lot more that I want to share,for helping people.


Thanks for your share and for being here