Group check ins: Recovering Porn addicts

We are spread out in this forum, here’s a place we can check in.

I’ll start it off

Today is day 114

3 setbacks in 114 days.

This week: any unsound behavior?

I’ve been logging into YouTube but on the tv only. No unsound activity this week. No bad fantasy thoughts to report.

Recovery tactics: porn free radio, therapy on spotify

Did i check in with my sponsor: no. Will today.


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I think we should do some specific accountability questions. I also struggle at 90 to 120 days. Log any unsound behavior/ thoughts. What recovery techniques were doing. Gotta be transparent if we want to keep our sobriety.


You are welcome here. You are far from alone.

Hello, Carrot here. Day 1, some thoughts about it but none strong enough to even get me turned on. Mostly depressed.

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I struggle both with porn and booze and Iv noticed the longer I don’t drink the less I want to look at porn it’s strange but yes I will give this a shot

Hi checkin here day 2, my girlfriend has decided to stay with me. I told her I am seeking help. I’m still going strong.

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Hope you’re doing okay Carot.

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Evening check in, day 118 3 set backs,
Need to do some recovery work this evening just because i haven’t done any today.

Checking in here for day 3. As I lay in bed im getting semi strong urges. I just want to nap and be better. My girlfriend said she doesn’t mind if I use out videos to masturbait. However I want to go much longer before I do that.

checking in day 117 (yesterday was really 116). Good day so far, only issue: Not taking the time to write out my real plan. Gotta do that now.

How is everyone doing?

Checking in day 5, im still a complete mess and my anxiety is crazy. Back on my medicine but my anxiety is so much I’ve thought about breaking up with my girlfriend.

Sorry to hear that bro. It’s a day to day battle. I also struggle with anxiety. Therapy in a nutshell on spotify has really helped me. You might want to check it out and try to apply the principles and see if it helps