Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

You will always be happy that you made the decision not to smoke. Ride the Craves like a wave coming over you and they will go away. Hang in there, hang in here, get that junkie monkey off your back!


thank you!!! smoked for 10 years vaped for 1.5, i’m over it man.

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:muscle: Nice!! :muscle:


How are you holding up @JuliaLuna ? I had many early to bed nights to avoid cravings


thank you!! i’m doing pretty good, just riding out the craving waves. hitting a nicotine free vape every so often & trying not to even inhale it. gonna ride this out and get rid of this little transitional crutch maybe when there’s no more nicotine in my bloodstream - how long does that take, 3 days? anyway, really glad i’m doing this. definitely never want to go back.thanks for checking in :heart:


Get straws to chew on! Just gotta say no for today. Watch that timer increase!


72 hours with zero nicotine!! i’m so glad this is finally happening. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Way to go @JuliaLuna !!! Thats awesome

Did you ditch the nic free vape last night?

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thank you! no i haven’t ditched it yet but today would probably be a good day for that. when we are out running errands i’ll get some straws :smiling_face:

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Lol thats the hardest part breaking that habit! Get gum and sugar free candy too :slight_smile:

You are doing great things!


thank you! yes baby steps. im doing it!! :exploding_head::star_struck:

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Hows your quit going @Sara.eve

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Im holding on and being strong :heart:


We’re in the fight together! Way to go on 19 days!


so….i’m starting to feel like it’s really not gonna count until i’m actually not hitting this nicotine-free vape. i mean yes i am now 3.5 days off nicotine which i want to celebrate, but i don’t think i should celebrate til i stop vaping, u know? i’m so scared to pull off this last bandaid then i won’t have anything, no alcohol, no nicotine, no crutch no nothing. i’m already a bit of a messy wreck and i’m scared about completely crumbling!! i don’t think i have the right resources in order, i think i need to find a therapist!!! like all the grief i’ve locked away is wanting to come forward now that im sober, i can feel it. i’ve tried to hold it back but i can’t anymore. i don’t know what’s gonna happen but it feels like a dam might break. i want to let the natural process happen but i just don’t know how to be supported especially being a single mother and needing to take care of my son 24/7. just not sure how this will all be able to happen, safely?


It sounds like you feel your sobriety is at risk. The priority is feeling safe and sober. If that means hitting the vape for awhile. Theres no shame in that. I personnlally didnt attempt to quit vaping until i felt secure in my sobriety. No shame here.

This is very insightful. Maybe that can be a goal to arrange an appointment next week? If you cant manage an in person meeting there are lots of telehealth options. Proud of you for identifying your needs


thank you so much ok yes i will make that a goal for this week. i really need it. just someone to help me process some things i’ve been thru, and help me make sense of it for how to move forward. i want to feel like i’m living vitally and creatively, not just surviving cuz that’s what it feels like right now, just survival.


To be fair i was just surviving for that first month. I went to AA and found hope that these people were (annoyingly) happy and seemed to have found a solution. I let them tell me the next steps because my mind and thoughts were skewed. I had no fight left in me. But i was lucky to have that desperation because i was willing to try anything. Therapy has helped too. Coming here and finding community is a tool too.


thank you so much :heart::heart::heart: i know things will get better. just gotta keep going ODAAT :muscle:t4::pleading_face:


You are seriously kicking ass Julia and your skin is glowing - your efforts are showing.

I used Nicorette to help me quit - i would only chew 1 to 2 max of the 2mg gums a day (all day mind you) for months to help me get past the urges. I still counted my time of not smoking because i was not smoking. My NRT actually had nicotine in it. Your non nicotine vape that you use for a oral fixation crutch will not last forever and should not be a reason to hold you back from celebrating your accomplishments! 4 days nicotine free is what you are doing! OWN IT and CELEBRATE IT!

I am grateful that you are looking into a therapist to help unlock your grief in a safe and healthy way. We got your back here so feel free to reach out at any time if you get overwhelmed. No exact science to our journey here and each of us may have a different experience but the underlying shit is all the same. We got your back love! Keep showing up for yourself :hugs: