Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)


@JazzyS you are the absolute best thank you so much :heart::heart::heart: and ok fine - I WILL CELEBRATE :joy::joy::joy: 4 days nicotine free woohooooo!! :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:


Well, I start to miss smoking cigarettes, I think it helps me with using the bathroom. I’ve bought packs of cigarettes to either smoke a few out of the pack to give them away to another smoker. Our putting water inside the pack so I don’t keep reach inside the trash can to retrieve the cigarettes again. I feel like I’m missing out on my time, gaining weight in all the wrong places. I’m just not happy I’m a Grumpy woman right now.4 days without a cigarettes.


Congrats on 4 days!! Its fucking rough quiting but it gets better. Hang in there. Totally can relate


hey grumps! i am 10 days nicotine free :smiling_face: (i still don’t feel like im off the hook though, because i’ve continued to use a nicotine-free vape. that needs to go soon :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:) but definitely glad and grateful to have nicotine cut from my system. step by step….


Yayyyy @JuliaLuna keep fighting the good fight


Im greatful i can still get cheap gas at the gas station where i used to buy my vapes every other day. Im greatful that when i had to go inside to get my receipt from the clerk i was not tempted. Progress :slight_smile:


2 weeks nicotine free! :partying_face:


Woot woot! Way to go @JuliaLuna

And congrats on your 30 day milestone too!


thank you :raising_hand_woman:t2::smiling_face:

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You are doing it Julia
Amazing addiction free times! Keep up the amazing work :muscle::muscle:



Nice number…look at you go 74+ days

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Copying this as it was written
TW reference to God in one sentence should you care not to read

~My 100 Day Ramble - Yay!~
From lvista on 8/26/2007 7:43:37 PM

How do I quit smoking - let me count the ways….oh wait…there’s only one way: I DON’T SMOKE. Period. I do not pick up, light up or even consider smoking a cigarette….ever….period… history….the end….over…off the table…NOT AN OPTION… stick a fork in me cuz I AM SO DONE . period.

I WILL NOT SMOKE come: hell, high water, low water, I lost my job, I lost my lover, the check ISN’T in the mail, the dog had kittens, the kids have fleas, Daddy got diagnosed, and I’ve put on …some pounds. N O P E .

I have worked the program at ( removed link/ no longer active) so I am not expecting trouble. But in the event I should hit a rough spot - I will suck it up, put on my Bat Girl panties and deal. Sometimes that will mean action, and sometimes that will mean laying the burden down. All I know is: I’m not trying to quit - I HAVE quit. I don’t smoke.

BEWARE of the MONKEY! The Monkey knows absolutely everything about you and exactly where to put the screws. It will mercilessly, diabolically and relentlessly poke at you: weeping, whining, romancing, bullying, whispering. DO NOT - REPEAT - DO NOT engage in conversation, certainly don’t feed, and post 3 times before making eye contact.


In LindaLand the law is: SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION. This is on a sign that hangs above me wherever I go. Should a crave appear, I simply point to the sign. No explanation, apology or discussion is necessary or recommended. As a result, any potential drama is over before it starts. Determine your law and GET THAT SIGN UP!

Always be on the look out for new ideas. You will find plenty here on the Q! Take the gems and leave the stinky poopies.

Distract yourself with a deep thought such as: How I am feeling right now is my life.

IN CLOSING: Quitting is movement - it is change. It is not a tidy “point A to point B” path. Quitting evolves in unexpected ways. Fortunately, we get to set the overall direction so that when…

It is a beautiful day and I am rockin a solid Quitfloat down the Freedom River. All of a sudden - BAM - a crave blindsides me right into the drink. Now I’m all drenched, cold, cranky and having a bad moment. Dammit….dammit…dammit…OKAY….STOP! Wait a minute …. I AM NOT depriving myself of cigarettes - I AM c-h-o-o-s-i-n-g not to smoke . Oh yeah! ((((( I ))))) am in the power seat here! (((( I )))) get to decide whether or not I smoke. Whoohoo! Guess what…Mr. Big Tobacco Drug Lord Monkey Butt….my answer to you is: N O P E !
HA HA! Yay! Wow! Whoohoo - up yours! Geeesh…what a ride! Whew!

Somebody throw me a weenie!
And this is how we build our quits….one weenie at a time.

Keep the faith,
and be thankful to God for just bein’ with ya.

Linda V
d100 - only because cigarettes are off the table, out the door and in the bonfire
(smiles to Kikilee, my Esteemed Elder Gemini Quit Twin “

The weenie reference refers to a nightly bonfire that was held to toss unsmoked cigarettes in to burn them up.


OMG thank you Alisa! I needed to read this right now… i don’t really want to smoke as its a disgusting habit in my mind but yet i wanted to smoke just for the deep inhale / exhale and release of stress.
After reading this today i was able to do the inhale and exhale without smoking and it felt so right and put me at ease. Appreciate you posting this just when i needed to read it most.

You are a rock star for having shed this monkey and keeping your streak going! :muscle:


OK y’all, it’s happening. well firstly i’m 22 days off nicotine :partying_face::partying_face: and as of yesterday i am off the nicotine-free vape i was using. strangely i don’t have extremely strong urges, i’m actually glad to be just breathing plain air all day :joy: it’s kinda peaceful actually. it’s like “ahhh, finally” a big sigh of relief. last night i DID have a strong urge when my friend was vaping in front of me and i even asked him if i could hit it and he wouldn’t let me :joy: he’s a good friend and i’m glad i didn’t, it was like closure for me. like ok i really don’t need this it’s not important or relevant, i’m not gonna fight anyone for it. and after he left and i realized i didn’t hit the vape even tho i wanted to, i was just so relieved. still am. now i just gotta take it one day at a time but as of now i am 100% vape free and i’m sooooooo thankful. vaping was such an anxious thing to do. looking back i can just sense how nasty i felt using it all the time. i’m really grateful to be free. :raising_hand_woman:t2::sparkling_heart:


Cheering you on!! @JuliaLuna

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Yay congrats @JazzyS proud of you sister


Thanks CJ - some days are still hard (won’t lie) but for the most part I am so much happier and healthier now. Feels so awesome to be at 2 years.