Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

How in the hell am i going to do this?? :sweat_smile:
Threw away all my vape stuff monday morning, today tuesday im already through half a pack.

Im not buying another one! $37 for a pack of 20s
Thats NZ for you.

Needed to get eid if vaping before winter hits dont want to run the risk of being sick. To many horror stories lately have put me off.

Just need to take this one day at a time like everything else


Get it! Dont be too harsh with yourself

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That a lot of money, i googled NZ dolars, In Mexico (where I come from and live) a pack is around 8 NZ dolars (4.5ish USD a pack) still a lot of money. Hold fast my dude, breathing is priceless


Good luck. What you are about to do is really hard. Throw all that shit out, don’t buy anymore, that stuff is poison for you now. You’re probably going to suffer for a couple weeks but once you get over that hump you will be stronger than ever. It’s gonna happen but try your best to not bite anyone’s head off. People will be super annoying but it’s not their fault (or maybe it is? That’s a different discussion). Remember your reason for quitting and blah blah you know the drill. Just stick to it and don’t give up, that’s all that matters. Once again, the best of luck to you Travis. I think you’ll like it here in the non-smoking section :no_smoking:


You got it friend! You’ve done the hardest part- throwing your stuff away and starting on day 1.
Keep the horror stories fresh in your mind so that you don’t romanticize the vaping.

Here for you if you need. You know it gets easier as you stack on the days :muscle:t4:


here with you guys, i’m on day 3 right now off nicotine (was smoking/vaping for over a decade) - just can’t do it anymore for all the obvious reasons. we got this!


Way to go … great work love… keep it going…:muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


You tried reading Allen Carr’s Easy way to quit smoking? I won’t say it makes it really easy (because nicotine’s a beast) but it sure helped me loads in forging the right mindset. You CAN do this friend!


Decided to take a day off work today and relax ease into this lack of nicotine thing.

Have no ciggies or vape, counter go back to Day 0
I got this!


I have been told lately that besides my bad humour, I am askimg things to be repeated to me.

And it gets me angry.

I am cooking broad beans, I crave for them, might need iron, whenever I eat these I feel my fears go away and feel like throwing punches.

Going to hit the sandbag at the gym for all these junkie thoughts I am having, its my 20th day.


Happy Birthday!!! :birthday: :tada:
I totally get wanting to throw punches… i did a lot of that when i quit smoking. I feel like i reduced my anger issues tremendously months into my recover from smoking but the bulk of it happened after i quit alcohol. I am in no way anger free but am in more control over it these days. It just takes time my friend --you keep working on your journey and be patient with yourself.


heya @2JTravNZ good on ya, i’m day 4 we got this :muscle:t4: @Pinto way to go 20 days - broad beans make your fears go away and get you pumped? damn i gotta try these!! :joy:

today on my day 4 nicotine/cig/vape free, around noon i drove myself to this small dirt parking lot near my house because i thought there might be somebody’s old cigarette butts left behind there and me, being the classy lady i am, was inclined to find one. i got out & walked the lot - there weren’t many and the best one i could find had about 5 puffs to it.

so gross, and no way am i degrading myself like this anymore. i threw down the butt and headed straight towards the trail, which started right at the end of the lot. hiked the mountain to the top. stunning views of the peaceful Hudson River Valley. where I was standing on the peak had actually been a military encampment during the Revolutionary War, perched atop this lookout point right across the River from the mighty fortresses of West Point! i’m glad i chose something else other than smoking today.


Thats a win @JuliaLuna . Ive smoked others butts too, insanity. So glad you chose the opposite of addiction today!!


Been there too, glad you decided not to.

And you.should totally try broad brans, but be careful and make sure you eat them with something with enough fiber lol

Hey all, today is day 1.
I used nicotine lozenges and gum for years, besides the vaping and smoking. I quit smoking and vaping some months ago and didn’t found it too difficult.
It’s harder for me to kick the nic candy, but I just don’t want to be addicted anymore. I’ve waisted so much money on nicotine, no more! Plus I feel nicotine makes my gums and guts more sensitive.
Time to quit. Day 1 :muscle:


I turned into an ugly shitty human yesterday, im going to taper off with ciggies jesus nic is a hell of a drug!

Slowly but surely


Good luck to everyone here. I started smoking at 15 and I have quit smoking nearly 4 years ago. I remember the very last cigarette I ever had, a life changing cigarette that I didn’t even finish. It was at a certain part in the Alan Carr’s easy way audio book, driving down to my new home. I pulled over, knowing it was my last cigarette and had it beside a busy highway. I was fortunate enough to not desire a cigarette after that moment. I definitely did and still do think about it every now and then, but I don’t want one. I am so proud of myself. Today, for the first time since I quit, I was at a shop and asked them how much a pack of my usual cigarettes were. I was surprised to see a pack of 25 was $51. They were $30 when I quit. I’m glad I quit.
Honestly, looking at it now, as I just start my journey towards alcohol-free living, I believe I centred what I enjoyed around cigarettes and alcohol, such as slow cooking meat, playing computer games, looking after my lawn, hanging with certain friends etc. I think I believed I enjoyed certain things, but all I actually had were things I could do while enjoying smoking and drinking. The hobby/friends were just an excuse to make me feel like it wasn’t just the cigarettes and alcohol.
I’m not saying those hobbies can’t be done anymore, I’m just saying I think I made the excuse in my head that if I quit smoking or drinking, those hobbies or people won’t be as fun or enjoyable anymore, like I’ll be missing out on something.
I still love cooking meats, looking after my lawn, seeing friends etc. but I’m now enjoying them because I want to, not because it’s an excuse to enjoy my addictions. I dunno if this helps anyone, but when I was smoking I was so stuck in my head all my life was about was the next cigarette. I’m glad I am not stuck to that ball and chain any more. Just to conquer alcohol now!
Good luck everyone!


thank u so much for sharing this perspective! it’s also inspiring to hear from someone who successfully severed the very ball and chain i am currently releasing - i have 4 days down, on my 5th day nicotine free after 13 years of smoking/vaping. my throat hurts but i’m grateful to know that i won’t be sabotaging my body anymore and that this is just part of the healing process. i feel quite confident that this is the final farewell. i’m ready to feel life on life’s terms without the conditions of this nasty addiction, i’m ready for the clarity and growth that’s coming. i can imagine it will be similarly transformative to how sobriety from alcohol has been (im on day 194 i believe…)

by the way - i read you’re soon ready to conquer the alcohol compulsion and i am fully in support of you, friend! it’s worth it in precious ways i could have never imagined and i truly wish those blessings upon you as well :smiling_face::pray:t3::sparkles:


i’m finally doing it!!! :partying_face::partying_face:


Yes you are! This is great! Remember that if it feels so hard sometimes that’s because it is. The beginning is rough. Show your strength and don’t give in💪. You got this.