Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hell yeah you are doing it!!


I have no clue how ive racked up so many days already. Well i kinda do. i hung on for dear life through those first 2 weeks of intense cravings and it got easier as i got further from my quit date. Still get cravings fewer and farther between but i feel the chains of nicotine addiction are at my feet, im careful cuz one slip and im back to puffing everyother fricken breath.


Day 2, I feel a bit restless. There is some gum in the bin but I’m not tempted to go there as I know I will only postpone the detoxing.
Bought some regular gum and sugar free candy to nibble on when needed, but overall it’s going pretty well. I expected it to be worse, maybe I’m cheering too soon. We’ll see.
Good luck y’all :v:


You got the right idea. Good luck to you. :no_smoking::+1:


@Whereswaldo WOW great work on your smoke free time. $51 for 25 pack…WHOA - thank goodness we don’t do this anymore.

@Naomi @JuliaLuna Great work ladies – keep fighting that fight… it does get easier and you are on your way!

Yeah you did and look at you now! Amazing work CJ!

Keep up the amazing efforts everyone! As @Curtis-81 says Smoking bad Fresh air good :wink:


i am so excited that i made it one week without smoking or vaping!! it is definitely getting easier and my throat and lungs are already thanking me :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::heart::heart::heart:


I noticed my breathing getting better almost immediately. Some days after drinking and smoking. I could barely breathe the next morning. Like my chest was tight and full of junk


Super excited for you! 1 week and going strong :muscle:

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Congrats on one week @JuliaLuna major props i know its not easy

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Is been 9 months since my last cigarette


Day 4, I’m having a rough time. I quit smoking before but I can’t recall having this much discomfort. Maybe it’s because I used way more nicotine while vaping and chewing in comparison to my smoking days.
I am nauseous, have an unsatisfiable hunger, no energy, can’t sleep, have head, belly and other body aches and just feel like shit overall.
It’s a good thing though, I can’t wait to be free of this addiction and to never touch it again. :face_vomiting:


Congrats on 9 months smoke free @J_Lo_Ste

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Hang tough @Naomi these symptoms wont last forever. Slay the nicotine monster


Nicely done — 9 months is amazing work!
Keep it going strong :muscle:

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4 days is awesome work my friend. I am sorry you are dealing with all the yucky withdrawals. Just think that this is the last time you will have to deal with this bs… let your body expunge all the crap and you will be on your way to healthier living. I know you are stronger than this addiction – keep going strong Naomi. Come and vent here if it gets too much – i tired to sleep, drink lots of water and keep my hands and mind busy so that i would not be focused on the urge.

The hypnosis meditation also helped me as well as having something to chew on (gum or pen or straw). We got your back my friend :hugs:


I quit 14 years ago but recently I needed to do a smoke test on my vehicles to check for vacuum leaks, and being the cheapo that I am I used a $10 transfer pump from Harbor Freight plus some Swisher sweets cigars to produce the smoke.
No inhaling took place, I tested both my car and my pickup truck, and in that process pumped 5 Swisher sweet cigars through the transfer pump (and of course into the vehicle’s vacuum systems).
Having smoked before I didn’t think it would be that bad but let me tell you, the odor reeked something horrible and even thou I was outside and the smoke was in a contained environment it still got into my clothes.
Then when everything was disconnected, tobacco resin literally came dripping out of the silicone tubing I had used… After only five cigars, resin had built up that much!
I used an entire quart of rubbing alcohol and then vinegar to dissolve as much of that sticky gunk as I could, which ended up working quite well but a month later the tubing smells even now.
I put my clothes through the wash, fortunately that smell went away, I also took a shower and also fortunately that took care of getting it off me.
The mere thought of that going through my body, I also don’t think it does wonders to the vehicles but I can tell you this, it’s the last time I fire up tobacco. Tell you even more, if I ever have to smoke test another car I’ll spend the $100-some on an actual smoke machine.


It sure is disgusting. I was reading about it yesterday and my god I feel dumb I smoked for so long. But I’m on the right path too now. Good you quit so long ago, go health! :facepunch:


Thanks Jasmine and @Cjp :raised_hands:
Today went better. I had a busy day at work and after work got some stuff done at my parents’ house. So I didn’t have any time to feel sorry for myself.

Btw, although they suck I sorta kinda appreciate the nasty withdrawal symptoms, they make me aware of how nasty that shit is and how I never want to go through this shit again. Feeling confident and looking forward to an addiction free and healthier life :lungs::anatomical_heart::brain:


Yeah, you know… Of course we quit that which kills us first, but…
They say that after ten years quit, your body is basically the same as that of a non-smoker.
Of course, it’s all #ODAAT

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222 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good