Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hello my favourite assholes! The time has come for me to rejoin the ranks of non-smokers :grin:

I have been saying I will quit after x event or y weekend… Well this is the weekend I’m actually following through after. Been back to my hometown and had a weekend full of socialising and smoking. Definitely got some work to do to break that association.

For today though I’m meeting my new colleagues and London and decided that I don’t want to be excusing myself for a cigarette every hour. My bf also had some nicotine patches so I’ve decided today will be day one of no smoking (or gaping - don’t want to give myself that get out clause). Not one puff ever, NOPE! I plan on going through the 12 week suggested course to keep the grumpiness at bay and work out some of the psychological stuff in the meantime.

Here we go again…


Hello @siand ! Good decision and plan, I’m all thumbs up for you. May it be a triumphant, grumpy and inspiring (I’m lurking right behind you) journey :star_struck:


Lovely stuff, I’m happy to read this :+1: Sounds to me like you have a pretty solid plan. I’ll be cheering you on over here :clap::clap:


Yes! Off you go Siand! No prisoners taken, all out war on stupid smoking! Excellent. I’m on your side friend. You’re not alone. NOPE!


Thanks for the support and encouragement @fireweed @hailstrom @mno :hugs: :sparkling_heart:

I must say today was harder than I expected it to be. I’ve kind of done this without planning it so I had a lot of cravings today even with the patch. Train travel and the wait between stops is a definite go to smoking time! And walking to the meeting past everyone smoking (ok not everyone, but I think I noticed every person who was!).

Reminding myself of some good reasons to see this through today:

  • Getting out of breath walking up the tube steps (iron deficiency likely plays a part here but smoking definitely won’t help!)
  • Coughing and hearing my chest/ throat randomly wheeze
  • Noticing the nicotine stains on my fingers, I look like a total scruff

I’ll also be saving £25 a week which will make a massive difference as I’m only working part time (nicotine patches will take up some of that in the short term although I’m going to speak to my GP to see if I can get any free or reduced price through them). My plan is to get my car valeted at some point this week so it’s nice and clean and a good motivator not to smoke in there any more.

I found myself starting to think about how the next meet up with a smoking friend will go, how I’ll navigate Christmas parties etc… But fuck that for now! Will deal with it when I get to it :slight_smile:

I’m going to chuck the rest of my tobacco in the bin and start getting my stuff together for the car journey home. In my bf’s car where no smoking is allowed anyway!


Almost there.


first few weeks were definetly the hardest. go @siand go!!

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i think i will be posting here a lot! congrats on nearly getting to the first year!

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first morning without a cigarette for quite a while! felt strange. but it passed. couldn’t find the nicotine patches so have been the last couple of hours without one. i am feeling really tired from the weekend and starting to get a bit emotional so i reckon i will dig them out and hopefully keep things a bit more even for the rest of the day.


You got this @siand ! :muscle:



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:hugs: :muscle: :fist:


Love these! Got some gum in the car and I will definitely think about sticking to it while I’m driving :grin:

Just about to go to bed and again it feels really strange not having that smoke to close off the day. But looking forward to waking up to day 2!


I’m on day 21.breaking my back and alot prayer made it a breeze.ive smoked for 29 yrs I’ve tried many times with no success maybe a month here 70 days there to no avail this time I’m done the very thought of smoking gives me the of luck and prayers :pray: to everyone trying to kick this demon.have a great night!



Do not remember having this much cravings using the patches before! Just had a bit of a sugary snack attack, not ideal, but avoided grabbing my bf’s vape even though he came home pretty drunk. I have used that as an excuse to myself in the past. He’s drinking so I’ll smoke… Wtf is that logic?!

I was trying to think about what the appeal of smoking (and drinking, and drugs…) is earlier. It’s different things at different times, but I reckon one part of it is the appeal of just saying ‘fuck it’. It’s almost as if there’s some kind of liberation to be had which is more totally twisted thinking. How can feeling compelled to inhale toxic fumes be anything like freedom?!

Bed now. Going to take the patch off cos the dreams have been a bit too much with it on! Tomorrow will be day four.


really thought i would always be a smoker and now cant imagine going back to it


Your full year Brian! Awesomeness my friend. Freedom is real. We’re never going back. Huge congrats. Celebrate!

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Excellent. Congrats on your year :+1:

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Congrats, Brian!

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So, even at a mere five days, I decided to ditch the smokes. I might as well do it before the weather turns frigid. What’s one more layer of irritation? I only smoke about 3 cigarettes a day when I don’t drink. So, buh bye.