Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Never crave alone Col, to nick another member’s catchfrase. I’m here if you need me.


Proud of anyone giving it a shot, I never thought I’d quit smoking! Smoked for over 10 years! Here’s my story:
My mom was over, she’s in her 50s, I’m 28. We were comparing our heart bpms because I had just bought a FitBit and was excited to show it off. My resting heartrate was 98 while hers was 70. She was concerned because it was fairly higher than she expected, as well I have never had heart issues in the past.
She asked me if I was thinking of having children (I’m female) soon because smoking plus birth control plus approaching 30 heavily increases the chance of a stroke. I’m not sure why, but they’ve done lots of studies on this and that combination for whatever reason is quit dangerous.

I am now a little over 3 months cigarette free and have to give my thanks to Champix. Honestly, being scared by the thought of a stroke wasn’t enough to quit on my own. I guess smokers have been told their whole lives smokings “bad”, so it becomes white noise. However, that experience with my mom got me into a doctors office. It was really difficult but eventually something clicked once my medication kicked in and helped remind me of what smoking is: Useless, disgusting and so EXPENSIVE.

Health aside, I used to spend about $600 a month on cigarettes which is TEN THOUSAND dollars a year. It really starts to sink when you look at numbers in what a wasteful habit it really is.

My sister also quit recently using Allan Carrs book, so there’s lots of alternatives out there! I needed meds personally because the book wasn’t enough for me, but within a month of being ‘sort of’ ready to quit, I was giving my smokes away and was already down from 15 smokes a day to maybe 1 or 2

I recommend going off everything completely if anyone is still deciding on whether to keep smoking or not. Vapes can be a slippery slope, and an expensive waste if you don’t commit to it. I ‘quit’ for about 10 months but when my vape died, I would go and bum a smoke off a coworker. You will be surprised to realize once you escape the nicotine hole of hell, its not that appealing anymore.

It takes time and patience though, don’t give up and have a plan! Even buy a nicotine free vape if you need, cause that will certainly help. Wish everyone a happy life full of fresh air and working lungs!


This guy is committed! I feel like a fraud next to him…


I relapsed and smoked the other night. I learnt a lot from this smoke-free week. I couldn’t imagine to do even one day, but with all the benefits of not smoking I gained motivation and good experience.


Last night I went running up to two strangers begging for a cigarette. I must have seemed desperate because the guy handed me his pack with just four smokes left. The girl handed me a lighter. I lit it up and inhaled as deeply as I could…

Without even waking up I became aware I was having my first ever smoking dream :joy:

The best part was the surprise I felt when I inhaled and it was like I just breathed in a large breath because that’s all I did lmao.


The way you writ this :grin: im so glad it was just a dream. Your doing so well.


I love the fact you have stopped smoking and started living. Whats your resting heart rate at now?
I stopped using ‘easyway’ like your sister and feel terrific.
Its the best thing i have ever done. Well over 3 months now. :+1:
Keep on keeping on @Beck


It is so easy to do! I have been in and out quite a few times over the last few years so I feel ya. That’s good that you got something from it! And you know you can go a week now :hugs:



That is all.


Today feeling much better! Made it to 7 days smoke free and also 5 AF!!!
It’s strange and rewarding to be able to breathe a bit better, anxiety hits sometimes yet manageable, at least today it was.
Hope you all have a great weekend :relaxed:


@siand you ok?

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Just emotions etc. Feeling pretty agitated. But I’m doing scream memes instead of smoking :grimacing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:joy::joy::joy: oh i love this. I could do with 1 to keep me from drinking.

@SassyBoomer you had me thinking youd cracked then :joy:. So pleased you havnt. People still offer me them and ask me for a light. Its a great feeling saying ive not used them since 6th June.

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Its a beautiful day on the water celebrating 30 days cigarette free!


There it is!! Been waiting on this post!! Congrats hun!! :heart: So damn proud of you.


Come on @SassyBoomer get that shiney 30 day one up right next to @JasonFisher your twins afterall. Proud of you both :slightly_smiling_face::clap::clap::clap: great photo as well Jason. :+1:


Tomorrow! Tomorrow! It’s always tomorrow!
(Sung with a Disney princess voice :joy:)


:joy::joy: ill be waiting. :+1:.

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Lord have mercy, what a long day this was lol

Ta da!