Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Your telling me its been a long day, its actually tomorrow where i am :thinking:! Ive been waiting an etearnity for this.
Isnt that a thing of beauty? Well deserved and worked for. I can go to sleep now. Your a star well done. No rest for the wicked though we keep going.


:muscle: AWESOME!!
Way to go! Im soo happy for you and proud of you!


Ok, so here I am again with another fail. I’ve been managing three days a week then cracking. I’m waiting for inhalators, my local chemist will have them Tuesday. I’m trying not to beat myself up. Tuesday is my new quit day.
I’m annoyed at myself as at three days I could feel the wheezing lessen and I slept a little better then throw it all away :confused:
Must. Try. Harder x


Oh I used to despise myself for smoking. It really got to me. My quit day was always a monday new week new me. Some weeks id do four or five days other weeks id do two or three hours. It was never ending misery for me.
As long as you dont give up giving up use every tool you can.


Still smoke free here. It’s starting to almost feel natural. It’s rather odd how the cravings are just as strong when they hit but they disappear so much faster now. They hit mostly at usual times…right after dinner or the moment I put my hand on the car door handle. I’m getting good at building defense against those. It’s the sudden, unexpected cravings that slap me up against the head. Handling those are harder but so far I’ve been successful. Outside of my first week that I quit I haven’t had to use my inhaler one single time. It had gotten so bad that I didn’t dare leave the house without it. I’m sleeping well at night. No more vomiting. No more constant smoker’s cough. The good in my life outweighs the cravings to the maximum. I guess I’m in no man’s land now so my biggest defense is going to be holding a mental image of just how ill I was up against any craving. I have no desire to be that sick again.


Your doing an excellent job @SassyBoomer :+1:.
I only get very slight cravings and I just brush them off for what they are minor inconveniences i cant even rememberthe last time I had a craving.
I did dream I was smoking last night, it was really vivid, so much so when i woke up it took a minute or two to realise it was a dream. I could even taste it and smell it. So pleased it was a dream.
We carry on :muscle::+1:. NOPE! :grinning::+1:


Day 1. Also taking welbutrin…so definitely fucked up the taste/enjoyment. Using this for the physical part of my habit.


Well that didn’t take…but i am ok with it. One thing at a time AF, much more important.


Loads of different tools to assist you these days. My story and how i quit is further up. It worked for me and i cant begin to describe the elation i felt when i knew that was me done with them.
Three and a half months now feeling great :+1:.
You will find a way if/when you want to mate. All the best. :full_moon_with_face::+1:


It’s like stoping useing n drinking u gotta do it same way stop don’t put none in you stay busy keep your mind off it n in time it get easier put if u put any in u u release your addiction all over again

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Skin of my teeth kind of day but oddly has little to do with nicotine outside of a temptation earlier. I didn’t think I’d go smoke that halfie but my mind started obsessing over it being there. Had grandson deal with it because it didn’t make sense to make my mind go through that. Praying tomorrow will be better


Still nicotine free. I’m gonna have to have a serious discussion with my higher power about his sense of humor. Staying off cigs while going through this uncertainty of where hurricane Ian is going to hit….I’ll just stay busy lol


Congrats on nicotine free I stopped myself bout .onth after I got clean n sobor I got 14 months clean n sobor n bout 13 months nicotine free it’s great keep up the great job so proud of u


@SassyBoomer :rofl::rofl: can see you now looking up at the sky and asking “are you for real”? You have done great staying off them smelly things, we all have. Well done all of us. :muscle::clap::partying_face:


Day 23 here! Feeling free and recovering sense of smell, which is making me go crazy as I know realize it’s going to take me forever to take the stink out of the house! One day at a time :slightly_smiling_face:


:rofl:Thats a good chore though. Well done on your 23days. Ive been stopped over 3 months and feel so bloody good for it. Keep it up Teresa :clap::clap:


Blowing my own horn a bit, at the same time hoping to give you’ll some inspiration to keep going. It does get easier!!! I can honestly say I feel totally free of the nicodemon now. Never again. The thought of smoking abhors and disgusts me.

I did it myself, but I certainly couldn’t have done it without the help of my peers and pals. ODAAT and all that. Keep going friends, it’s so worth it! Lot’s of smoke free love from Luna and me.


Do not go to the store. Do not go to the store. Do not go to the store. You will still have tornadoes. You will still have hurricane. You will still have flooding. Cigs will not stop that. Cigs will not help. Cigs will only hurt you. All you will have is shame and regret. Do NOT go to the store.

(Just talking to myself here)


:rofl: Do not go to the store. If you did go to the store if you bought 1 pack it would cost you $10,000 in the long run. Plus as an added bonus youd get to be stinky all over again and dont forget the cough. You would feel absolutely :poop:. So go to the store and treat yourself to a new book and a big bottle of bubble bath. You know you got this. :grinning::+1:


Stores are all closed now. I outlasted that voice. I’m good :heart: