Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Yay you! I’m sure you can do this! We’re in this together right? Right!


Thanks my friend xx I’m actually excited and not panicking over the thought of not smoking tomorrow!


Congrats @Becsta I hope today goes as smooth as possible. :muscle:

@BBYETI Ten years is awesome! :heart: :partying_face: :boom: :muscle: Congrats!


Day 29 no cigarettes :heart:
I can hardly believe I hit 4 weeks yesterday. I’m so happy about this and not really having many cravings either. I was tested yesterday as I dropped 10litres of white paint at the till at the store and it was pretty stressful but on an average day I have almost no desire to smoke.

@SassyBoomer just thought I’d give you a mention and see how you’re getting on. How’s it going?

@Leveller hi, I read about your dog the other day in the daily thread. Sounds like a really sad time, I hope you’re being supported.

I find it hard to keep up with the daily thread as it’s too big and overwhelming sometimes :confused:

@Becsta congratulations on making the decision to quit :blush: it’s very supportive and encouraging here

Thanks everyone:)


Thanks so much. 2nd day in and doing alright. Was fine all day yesterday until about 5pm and then it was haaaard. Think I’m going to get my hands on Allen Carr’s book to read again.

10L of paint :tired_face: you did awesome to push through that test!


Today is day 61 for me!

Everything is better as far as better sense of smell, taste and even heart rate has tremendously improved.
Strongest cravings in the morning, still treating myself to sweets to overcome them.

For now I enjoy the absolute freedom everyday :blush:
If anyone is thinking about quitting don’t wait for the perfect time just do so right now, I’ve always found excuses in the past to not take better care of myself.
Still a journey to go, one day at at time.

Also 207 days AF which I can only celebrate with all of you as this forum inspires me to try and be better.

Thanks and keep strong!


Day 35 peeps :heart:
Passed one month :slight_smile: still get cravings, especially after eating but still going strong. Went out Sunday night as it was my friends birthday. They were necking shots and all that. I stayed sober, no problem:) when some went out for fags I thought they smelt terrible when they came in :joy: might become a fag snob :rofl:


Way to go @Hayleylujah !!!

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Thank you :pray:

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I hit a big milestone yesterday!

I have been getting ready for crabbing. We hired another guy. A smoker. I have two smokers for co-workers. It hasnt been a big deal. Minor cravings.

That reward for a good job and the busy hands thing still triggers me sometimes. Its become easy to move past and replaced by feeling grateful I dont smoke anymore.

The last time I quit. Smoking co-workers was my excuse. I made it 26 days. I picked up planning to quit again after crab season. Three years ago and 3 seasons later…

90 days! :muscle:

I’ve saved 1000 bucks so far. After this crab season I’m investing my accumulated cigarette saving into diving gear.


Congratulations on your 90 days butt free Jason.
That’s awesome :clap:

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Day 44 so have passed the 6 weeks mark :heart:
Get a few cravings at random moments but not been tempted to get a pack yay! X


I have been smoke free for nearly 7 months! One of the best things I could have done!


Not quite 7 months but I have got 7 weeks which is a great start. I’m not feeling very healthy though and am having a few tests and scans and stuff. It’s a real worry but I’m staying smoke free and sober still. And hopefully my fears can be put to rest real soon :crossed_fingers:


Big congrats lady! Loads of good vibes your way for your tests. All we can do is live our best life now. Hugs and love.

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Tonight I went outside for a cigarette with my husband and told myself it was my last one. I lit it, saying it was the last time I’ll do that, smoked it saying it’s the last time I’ll do that and put it out for the last time. I have a hard row to hoe ahead of me but you have to pick one for your last. I just had mine. Onward!

I’ve been smoking since I was 16ish and am now 43. I’ve been ashamed to be a smoker that whole time. It’s time.


Thank you for the kind words and support :pray: :blush:


It’s time! Huge congrats on deciding to quit Emilie! The past is the past. You’re an ex-smoker now. Never again. Smoking is stupid. Smoking kills. I smoked for 37 years myself. Can’t imagine myself with a smoke now. Again, never again. Best decision I ever took in my life. No joke. Success and hugs.
NOPE as in Not One Puff Ever


Thanks Menno! Checking in tonight because as the night goes on I keep thinking “I’ll have one and just quit again tomorrow”.

Over those thoughts is the correct refrain “nothing changes if nothing changes”. If I give in tonight I can give in everyday for the rest of my life. I will re-read Allen Carr in the next few days but I am going to stay strong and choose NOPE!!


Honesty is important so I’ll do that. I still have more work to do on this addiction. My failing tonight was my drive home from work. I have odd rules about smoking, because I continue to hide the habit. Next week I will swap cars with my husband so I drive the new car that we don’t smoke in. Re-set tonight but I have plans for success. I’m still figuring out what doesn’t work and what doesn’t work is me driving my beat up old car that I smoke in. Still sober but still battling cigarettes.