Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)


AWESOME!! :muscle: :partying_face: :boom:


Day 13 :heart:
Feeling much better today after a few rough days. Also feeling proud to be persisting in non-smoking. I seem to look better, too. Dark circles and bags under eyes are disappearing so that’s encouraging. My next goal is to get back to swimming. I don’t know if you’ve seen me talk about my leg. I had a metal rod put in my leg in April after a nasty attack from a stranger when I was walking home. It has been such a pain to deal with but I want to take the next step in recovery and go back swimming. I also do kickboxing but I’m a long way off returning to that. Swimming might not happen immediately but it’s in my mind so it will happen :facepunch:t2:
Feeling positive today x


Hiya Jason, I bought a second hand Nikon D7100 with 4 lenses over a year ago. I am so ashamed to say I have only been out once with it. I think what really put me off was not having a computer to view my images on. My son has built himself a new computer so now I have no excuse.

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Why is it that when I have rollies I can go hours n hours Evan a day with out even when I’m loosing my cool. But when I don’t have them ,I feel like I’m going to loose the plot.

Well done Hayley 13 days ! Thats a great achievement by you and one to be proud of. :clap::clap:
I still have smile to myself when I remember I used to be a smoker.
Im so so pleased I stopped, Silly little things like being able to smell the fresh air when im walking. Not having to stop and ligt up every hour. Not waking up at 3am and walking to the 24hr service station to buy more so that i wouldnt run out. The list is endless.
Your looking good on the outside Hayley which makes us feel good on the inside and now your not smoking your body will be repairing itself. I like reading the timelines of what is actually happening after a certain amount of days.

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Thats just one of the nasty little tricks nicotine plays on us. It makes us think we need it we need our little crutch. When you put that together with all the years of brainwashing weve gone through by TV, big tobacco corporations medical ‘experts’ and other smokers alike reinforcing the myth that we need it then when you dont have your rollies you will go into panic mode and be pissed off.
Just remember it was smoking that started that feeling in the first place.
I stopped the easyway with alen carrs quit smoking in 4 days bootcamp audiobook. It worked for me, it was ridiculously easy, you can smoke all the way through the program.
Stopping for me was the best thing I have ever done.


Thank you, I’ll look that one up.
I’ve only started to notice these silly behaviours and thinking since I stopped drinking.

Thank you :blush:
Yes, there’s lots to be happy about already. My favourite is sleeping straight through, no waking up having to use inhaler, so grim. My hair doesn’t smell of cigarettes, either.
2 weeks today and I’ve had a couple of strong pangs. I acknowledge them, laugh about them, then forget about them. So far, so good ha :+1:t2:


Three weeks today :muscle::muscle::star_struck:


I used an app to quit. It tracks the days I quit and gives me inspiration when I need it. I learned healthy copping mechanisms instead of substituting which I feel never worked. Tried that a lot of times. I have quit cigars for 18 days now.


Congratulations on your 18 days :sparkling_heart: that’s great :smiley:

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Thats great going Hayley! I am really pleased for you. :clap::clap::clap:.
@Tcooper0424 congratulations on your 18 and welcome to the community :+1::full_moon_with_face:


Thank you both :slight_smile: @Hayleylujah @Leveller

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It wasn’t a slip. It was a conscious decision. Locked in a car and a hotel room for nine days with four other people, one of whom was my misogynist ex. He talks down to women because we are less than but he is 69 and flirts with every woman below the age of 40. It was smoke or throat punch him. I chose temporary violence to myself rather than to him.


Aw never mind, you are back on track now :sparkling_heart:


You should have punched the f@%&£# for making you feel like that.
Seriously @SassyBoomer when I started again after my last attempt i blamed my boss for being a complete cocksucker and driving me to smoke again. People were saying to me I cant believe you never hit him. I was so angry inside i can remember stomping the 200 yards to the shop and buying another 20 and a lighter then shaking still with anger lighting up and coughing a lung up.
That cigarette cost me around £7000 in the 2 years I continued to smoke.
Now I am more mindful and understand the nature of the nicotine trap.
Now I realise my boss was still a cocksucer if I smoked or not.
Im pleased you have them 24hrs again. And now you have the advantage of knowing you can stop you know you can do it, we know you can do it.


I think I’m with Col in saying should’ve punched him instead. But it’s done. Hope you’re ok lady. Hugs and NOPE.


Years ago I was having a really intense conversation with my wife about some horrible things.

She lit up, and I decided I needed to have a cigarette or strangle her. I chose the cigarette. It was the wrong choice. :rofl:

That was a long time ago. And a lot of cigarettes.

You got this! :muscle:


Hey guys and gals. I’m jumping on the nicotine free bandwagon also. 2 cigs left for tonight and then tomorrow I’m waking up as a non smoker.

Hit 3 years 5 months sober afew days ago and since quitting alcohol the smoking has really ramped up. The money I spend a week on the shit sticks is ridiculous and I’m sick of the smell on me and I’ve started to notice a tickling cough starting at night when i lie down. I’ve become convinced the cigs are catching up on me :weary: and there’s no way I’m letting those bastards shorten my lifespan…!

I tried to quit late last year (or maybe it was earlier this year?) and managed 3 weeks before caving. Different mindset this time and feel much better prepared.

You are all really inspiring and I’m really going to make an effort to use this thread for venting and support.