Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Day three and four were the hardest for me. The physical withdrawal gets less severe from here. I held my breath when the craving got bad, I would hold my breath as long as I could. Keeping my hands busy. I cleaned and organized. It helped.


Today will be 7 days cigg/vape free

I’m hounestly grinding my teeth about this

I’m tired and grumpy but I don’t want to dwell on it otherwise today will be terrible

At 4:45 this evening I’ll have a full 7 days

Breeeeath… Just don’t pick up


And I don’t know if it’s the vape cigg free thing but everything including my coffee has tasted terrible

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One week is huge!! Congrats! :muscle:


Wow- bout to be 1 week…thats fantastic.
Slowly you will start getting your taste buds back (that vape/cig after taste will be completely gone) i had to change my coffee to a different brand when i quit cause i realized i was finally tasting flavor …hang in there - you are doing great.


Ok so I have almost 8 days cigg/vape free. I’ll have 8 days at 4:30
I’ve been chewing nic gum and nic lossinges but I’m going to try regular mints and gum now. No more buying nic gum or lossinges. The habit it’s under control and I’m freaked out about starting this chaos over by vaping. One day at a time


Maybe work on tapering off the nic gum and lozenges for a bit? Some people do have a hard time quitting the gum too, but slowly reducing your intake will make the withdrawal less brutal. Congrats on 8 days, that’s awesome!!!


I want to take your suggestion on tapering off the gum

I have 4mg gum and but don’t crave it, or vapes/cigs

Maybe in the morning I’ll have some lossinges or gum but after that I’ll be all set I think. I just woke up from a nap and don’t crave anything right now so I think I’ll be ok for now

I’m just nourvous about the morning


I am so happy I haven’t gave in
To be honest I even asked my wife for the vape but she said no. It’s like disbelief in myself that I’ll not pick it upm I wasn’t even craving hard. I did it heavy for 17 years both vape and ciggs. The ciggerett abuse I did was too much. I made bowls out of cans in my far past… Cans… My brother in law said it would kill me, I said yeah it’s no good and he said, no it will just kill me. Some people have quit with 50+ years of smoking. I got to remember it’s possible. I HAVE TO.

I’m now a little bit over 8 days vape/cigg free, thank you higher power let’s keep it going


Officialy 10 days no vape/ciggs

I truly believe the worst is behind me


Congrats on your double digits! :clap: :muscle:


Congrats!!! 10 days is a victory already

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Yes- we can beat this addiction :muscle:


Good morning. Day one quitting a vape habit. Its about time. 20 years of smoking or vaping. I want to be sober from addiction. I want to save a boatload of cash. I want better health and fitness

Checking the counter often. So far ive done my first wake up, coffee, and drive without vaping! Something feels a miss … maybe thats me breaking away from another addiction

Anybody else wanna join me on this journey?!


A little more than 13hrs in. It helped to quit before bed last night. Staying strong and redirection thinking about 4x an hour. I will break this habit. I proved my strength by quitting alcohol 15months ago. I understand i will have some discomfort but i will get better and have lots more $$$ in my pockets


You got this! We got you! Excellent work my friend & keep going. Not One Puff Ever!


Thanks @JazzyS @Mno your support means soooo much rn


We as in all of us together friend


Keep going because this is worth it and you will see how soon your efforts are rewarded!!!


Just a check in. I’m doing the thing and I’m doing it nicotine free!