Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Major milestone…today when i woke up i didnt crave to vape. This is huge!!


Yaaaaaayy good work Jason

It’s definitely something to be proud of and I’m proud of you


That is soo cool
More and more I have days I don’t crave when I wake up

Today I’m going to be 30 days non smoking
So worth it
Happy day 15 :blush:


wow - that’s awesome my friend - 30 days no smoking! Way to go :muscle: :clap:


Happy 30 days no smoking!!! @Noshame


Went 2 whole days without nic lozenges
Got some earlier today and it out me back to where I was 2 days ago
I put them in my backpack and I’m keeping them there Incase of a emergency nicfit

I g2 run back to work
Take care everyone

31 days smoke free


About to finish my first day not smoking tobacco. It was a rough day.


Congrats on your 1st day - what a wonderful adventure to start! it won’t be easy but it will get easier.
Are you using any patches or gum or doing cold turkey?


Cold turkey. I have patches and stuff but I don’t want to use them if I don’t have to. First time trying this and pretty much all day the inside of my body felt itchy and it sucked. Did my best to stay busy. Looking forward to better days ahead.


Well its good to have back up. It will be super nasty for sure. Maybe chew on regular gum or straws…some like tooth picks. Its the oral fixation along with keeping your hands busy. I know some great tips on this thread. Read around if you havent done so already.
Remember you dont need to be bound by any addiction. We are here for you if and when you need to scream /vent. :muscle::muscle:


Welcome @Curtis-81 we are with ya brother. I have 18 days from a serious vape habit. Proud of you.


Thanks guys. Just about to end day 2. I’ve been pretty irritated all day. I think I did ok at not being a jerk to people today. Maybe?
Yes I have been reading this thread for a while and finally got inspired enough to give it a shot. Right now the thoughts of smoking just piss me off and I can dismiss them easily enough. It’s the little unconscious habits that are driving me nuts. Like why did I take an unnecessary break and go outside, didn’t even think about it till I was out there. At least I got some fresh air and looked at my broken garden a few times, maybe I’ll fix that. Bad little habits suck and this is proving to be quite difficult at times but I got this.


Ah shit, Monday being my biggest challenge just crossed my mind because I work outside and smoke all fricken day long. I’m gonna have to prepare.


Congrats on day 2! I do understand how mindless the rituals get (we have been doing them for so long that they are now engrained in our daily habits. Don’t worry - you can re-train that mind (what a wonderful thing to look forward to). I never thought that i could survive without my DOC’s and here i am surviving.

You do got this!!! :muscle: Wishing you strength on Monday - whatever you can do to help with the oral fixations. Remember that you can still take a break when needed even if you don’t smoke - this was important for me as otherwise i was working non stop for crazy hours. I would do some games on my phone or walk around the block.


My consultant has said to vape :thinking:


I feel it’s stupid advise but that’s me. I know it’s meant as harm reduction. But I see so many vapers ingest huge amounts of nicotine, much more than they would smoking, instead of tapering down. Which makes quitting so much harder.

I did smoke quite a lot (30 a day on average, and some joints rolled with tobacco). I quit cold turkey. It felt like the flu for a week, ten days. I slept like sh*t. But I had a great support group, a group of peers that kept me centered. And I had the right mindset (which said I wouldn’t smoke before my *ss fell off). Tapering down in my experience doesn’t work.


Thank you for sharing this and the post about No Man’s Land.

Fell into the trap of smoking “just one”.

Fast forward 2 months…Now on my path to quit.

Listening to Alan Carr’s audiobook and joining this thread for support :heart:


As a former smoker who thought vaping was better than smoking. DONT VAPE. I was vaping soooo much more than i had been smoking. I now have 20 days no vaping and its been sooo tough quitting. I would recommend cold turkey if possible.


Doctor has referred me to a stop smoking specialist might cave and try the patches thanks for your advice :muscle:


Good luck on the journey! We’re here fighting the good fight. @Noshame tried nicotine lozenges and could give his perspective

But of course everyones journey is different