Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

1 month milestone is huge…I hope to celebrate it with you next week. Our urges do tend to get stronger as milestones approach.
Go to the dinner with determination of stay smoke free and have a plan in place of urges or situations arise. I do know that if I lit up even once I would be doomed…it is like the addiction senses all awaken and come at me full force so that is why it’s not even one puff ever.
We got your back here… keep up the great work :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Can I give more than one :heart: to your post?

So glad you thought it through. So very happy for you.

It is not something that someone who has not battled an addiction can grasp. I certainly can.

Big hugs, and wishing a lifetime of breaths of fresh air to you!


Never thought this was possible.


Hell yeah CJ! :muscle::no_smoking::balloon:

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Hell yeah girl :fire::fire::muscle:t4:. You are showing up for yourself every day! The efforts are showing too… keep up the excellent work :confetti_ball::tada:

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I love you guys :slight_smile:


Weeks ago, I posted about day one, and it was all of a day and a half before I was back on. So here we go again. I had a few puffs this morning, but as of 9:25am CDT, I am beginning a new first 24 hours without nicotine (vaping). Wish me luck! :purple_heart:


No luck needed Erin, although I wish you all the luck in the world. Strength and determination and knowledge of addiction and how to beat it, and your peers (us) and supportive friends are needed and I wish you all of that too!!! Wishing you all success!


How are you doing? Just keep at it friend…don’t give in to those cravings…it is one moment at a time…we got your back :muscle:t4::fist_right:t4:

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Thank you! :heart:

I was doing really shitty last night, but a little better this morning.


Thank you so much! :heart:

Glad today is better…way to get through the night :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

I did without picking up and that’s what counts.


Had a super shitty first evening without the vape last night. The just-quit irritability and depression hit me HARD yesterday, and by last evening, I was so fucking pissed off. I only vaped for a couple months this time, but I felt as terrible as I did when giving up cigarettes after years of smoking. Just goes to show how addictive nicotine is.

We were watching our favorite soccer team play, which is one of the times I tend to want it most. Thank God it was a good game, or it would’ve been even worse. My husband asked me if there was anything he could do, and I said the only thing he could really do (go buy me a new vape) was something I didn’t really want him to (even though part of me DID want that). He reminded me that he couldn’t even if he wanted to because we’re just that broke right now. Which got me thinking about our finances, which put me in an even blacker mood. (But that’s a whole other story).

I guess I’m just in that feeling-sorry-for-myself stage of recovery that tends to come right after quitting. It’s the one thing we alcoholics are still allowed. It’s the closest to intoxicated I’m allowed to get anymore, BUT I don’t use it to avoid or forget anything, it’s just… nice. I was just enjoying having the vape again for a while.

But the thing is, it’s still unhealthy. Do I want to die from some kind of otherwise avoidable cancer or lung disease? Absolutely not. Plus, my son reminded us of our promise to quit, which we did for quite aome time, then were back at it the last few months. I want to keep my promises and set a good example for my kids, so… out with the vape.

The good news is, my sobriety from alcohol is still going swimmingly. Only 15 days til my first birthday and, at least right now, I’m having no cravings and not missing it at all.


I have started my journey of being Nicotine free yet again today. It’s something I have been struggling with for sometime now. Any pointers?


I hiked a lot. Aggressive steep hikes. I hard a hard time breathing hikes. I wanted my lung capacity back. and leaving the stores behind to decrease my chances of buying a pack. Hiking also made me tired. The easiest way to accumulate time was to sleep in the beginning. I had to completely mix up all of my routines. Smoking was so intertwined with everything. I also held my breath, I still do that when I get cravings from others smokers being around. Lung capacity exercises helped me and still does.

Cherish those hours and days in the beginning. If you anything like me, if I break my clean time, it, I’m smoking another pack. Dont do it!


Overtime I noticed that my smoking was also intertwined to everything. A number of activities that i associated with smoking and certain emotions that i also associated with smoking. I play basketball but lately i can barely run for a minute without feeling like my lungs will burst. I would love to get my lung capacity back as well.

Also… Thanks for the message


Keep at it friend…it is such an amazing feeling regaining that lung capacity.

Like Jason said - sleep in the beginning was the most beneficial for me To get going. I did use the hypnosis app as well and found that helpful.

I made sure to drink loads of water and eat fruits cause that helped cut the cravings.

Have something to fidget with so that your hands are busy …I played so many games on my phone and did puzzles.

Read through the thread …some other great ideas and pointers. Main thing in ti throw out all your smokes and lighters…take it ODAAT :muscle:t4:

Resist with all your can do it …