Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1) - #2555 by Tragicfarinelli.

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Continuing the discussion from Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1):

Looking forward to see you here with us. I know many people that set a quit date (like our @cjp) and mentally / physically prepare for the quit.

Girl you can kick this demon! :muscle: :hugs:



That’s a great big chunk of time. Wonderful work Jasmine.:tada::grin::+1::no_smoking:

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I just noticed. Did you quit smoking or quit hanging out with the SnoKing? Hahaha :rofl:


Omg…that’s too funny :rofl::rofl:…how have I missed this. Thanks for catching it and the laugh
Appreciate the support too …you guys are amazing

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I used to make these things for Quitnet, the forum that helped me quit smoking in September 2015. NOPE was a widely used acronym there, meaning Not One Puff Ever! This one was ideal to add ODAAT :upside_down_face: Keep going all!


The very first thing I learned about quitting smoking was that I had to get sober first. The other behavioral change that worked for me was changing my coffee - from flavored with sugar (like hazelnut, I was huge on hazelnut for a long time) to dark roast black no sugar.

I tried pretty much every nicotine replacement, gums, lozenges, patches, and the anti-depressant Wellbutrin. And I had to get to the place, a lot like with my drinking, where I could not take more than two puffs without a deep coughing spasm.

What worked for me was Chantix, and my firm belief that it blocked the nicotine receptors in my brain. It is definitely not for everyone. I also applied the steps of AA to my nicotine addiction, particularly steps 1-3 and 6/7. The only semi-psychological effect I had from it was very vivid and weird dreams while I was on it.

I did gain weight after - my ideal weight is 155, which I was able to reduce to with training for triathlons. I had got up to about 200 pounds. Today, after a couple of years of injury, I’m fighting my way back down from about 185, now at about 175. I have a trip to Costa Rica at the end of July and I’m continuing my weight loss plan, hoping to hit 165 or less before the trip.

I started smoking with my brothers on the train into the city for school at age 8 or 9. Dropped it until high school, smoked 1-2 packs per day from age about 17 to 49.


wow that’s some impressive time – great work Dan! Keep living the smoke free life

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We all have our own story. Thanks for sharing yours Dan. I quit smoking (more than a pack a day for 35+ years) cold turkey after my then bestie said I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t my first attempt at quitting, but the first serious one. I quit weed and tobacco together. Alan Carr’s Easy way to quit smoking helped me with the mindset. The biggest help was finding a forum called Quitnet, similar to Talking Sober but 100% aimed at quitting smoking.

My drinking increased steadily after that, going from binging in the bar, at concerts and festivals, and at (dinner)parties, to drinking daily, alone, at home. It took me another 4.5 years to quit all substances.


There are so many ways that people stop smoking, it’s fascinating for me to read your story. Thank you Menno!


2 years today since I stopped smoking. NOPE!
The single most important thing I have ever done and the one decision I am most proud and pleased with.
Grumpy? Yes sure I am but not about stopping smoking.


You guys are amazing… those are some really impressive counters. I’m still counting days, not months let alone years! 9 days in and as grumpy an a-hole as can be today. I really hope this’ll get easier.


2+ years is impressive work!! Great work :muscle: Should be super proud!!


Glad you are here with us and 9 days is impressive work – you gotta start stacking up the days ODAAT :muscle:
Keep at it - it does get easier.


300 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Woohoo :tada::tada: 300 is awesome work friend… keep going strong :muscle:t4:

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Thanks Jasmine! :grin::no_smoking::+1:

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Thank you, @JazzyS I am very pleased but really dont think about it now, i dont have a counter on and that way i tend not to think about it. It dosnt bother me when i see people smoking or vaping, im just glad i escaped when i did
:full_moon_with_face::+1: NOPE!


Started kicking all my habits an addictions over 20 years ago,my last 2 on the list were alcohol and smoking were stopped same day six years ago,although i stopped smoking i cheated and carried on using nicotine products,gum and lozenges to be precise.
Ive tried once and I lasted approximately 6 hrs and it was awful i felt very strange :flushed:
Would it be better to cut back at first or just go for it
I think its time to have a go again now,any tips will be very welcome👍🏻