That’s great work and it’s awesome that you stayed clear of the craving…they do get easier to dodge and navigate the more time you stack on. Keep pushing forward
Excellent work on abstaining from the cigarettes. I never vaped but feel it’s like the same oral fixation as cigarettes. Gotta find something to chew or suck on …a straw, gum, mints…this will help. Also keep busy- as with any addiction - if you keep busy then your brain doesn’t have time to focus on the addiction. Stay focused and connected ODAAT
Sending you strength as you start this journey. It is not easy and I do agree that its silly to take up vaping to try and quit smoking. Not recommended LOL
You have it in you to do this - see how far you’ve already come. For me, when I was ready, I used the gum (4 mg at first and then 2 mg) would chew the same piece basically all day long. This helped and i know the nicroette part was long gone but my mind kept thinking it was getting it. I eventually changed to mint gum and then nothing. I also listed to a hypnotherapy app while I slept which helped me not want to smoke. Serv City Apps called Quitting Smoking. I had tried the app in the past but realized that it only worked when I wanted to quit and not just put in a half ass effort.
Have something like gum, mints or a straw to chew on so you don’t miss the oral fixation. Your dad is right – getting past the first few weeks is the hardest as you need to detoxify. You have been through the withdrawals from alcohol and drugs and its similar. Will be irritated and highly anxious. Its all ok and it won’t last. Keep that as a reminder! Here rooting you on my friend… pick a day as your quit day and do your tapering off until then. Hold fast to the day you pick and write it here for more accountability. We got your back
I held my breath during intense cravings. I hiked steep and aggressively because I wanted to be able to breathe better. It wore me out so I could sleep. I couldn’t smoke if I was sleeping.
nicotine withdrawal wasn’t horrible. The physical part is the hardest, and the reward. I finished a project… where is my reward? Or, my I’m about to start a project, I need to suck on this burning shitty plant dipped in nasty chemicals that tastes like ass and think about it.
I feel so much better. smoking was catching up with me. I milked it out longer than I needed too. I quit everything else first and my mind made smoking more valuable to me than it is. It all I have left…
Its similar to quitting drinking and drugs… Hang on to those days, hours, minutes as they add up. starting over is never easier next time. years can fly by in between attempts at quitting.
I quit right before bed so when i woke up i had some “sober” time built up and i didnt want to lose my progress. Plus chewed on straws and came to this thread often
500 days ya’ll. Cravings are still strong but not so often. Nicotine is a cruel addiction. Trying to break free one day at a time with this communitys help
Right on CJ!!! 500 days is amazing work . Keep up the great work
hey friends! i just read back a bunch of posts on this thread and its so comforting, motivating and inspiring. very much appreciated! y’all rock.
i just hit 14 months alcohol-free and as some of you know i’ve been “trying” to quit smoking too. well, i got the flu on wednesday and attempted to smoke, and due to the illness it just was so horrible in my mouth and throat and lungs that i just couldn’t. i’ve been so sick (and now my baby has the flu too, plus an ear infection!) so we’ve just been in bed for 2 days and i haven’t smoked at all! technically i haven’t had a smoke in 2 days and 14 hours, so i started a clock there’s no cigs left in my possession and im now determined that this spontaneous quit will stick.
That’s a Great start!
I hope both of you feel better soon!
Yea CJ! Happy 500
Woot woot in your 14 months AF. I do love when the body starts rejecting our addiction (even due to an illness)… great work on your 2+ days …we are here to cheer you on with many more to come.
Hope you and the little man start to feel better soon
500 days! Thousands of dollars. Priceless!
Two days or 500, both are equally great @JuliaLuna and @Cjp! Big congrats to you both & one day at a time for all of us. Great stuff ladies!
Good for you! Kickin ass one day at a time