Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

Got busy with work so that helped. Great suggestions. I got some candy and it’s helping but the craving is out of this world right now for me. Really wish they’d get my prescription ready. I think I’m going to definitely need it. Thank you Jazzy :blush: :heartbeat:


Damn those cravings! I do hope you get your meds soon :crossed_fingers:
You are doing great friend – keep up the amazing work :muscle:

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A repost. Hope it helps. I’ll be 9 years smoke free in two weeks time. Had my first craving in years recently. But made it through. Never again. Not One Puff Ever.

Just some advice that might help from an old friend from my old quit smoking forum that helped me quit smoking cold turkey coming up on 6 years in September. Another former two pack a day smoker here. It’s possible friend. It is hard, very true. But doable. Give it a try when craving Julia. Success.

“Fighting craves can wear you out… next time perhaps give this a try… When a crave starts… find somewhere to relax ~ lay down or a find a comfortable chair, standing will work though. Close your eyes… relax your body… remain calm, allow your crave complete control… allow it to run it’s course ~ completely ~ start to finish… until it stops… allow it to enter your mind… The first time may be intense, sort of like a vibration running through your head… relax… remain calm, lower your shoulders often, allow the crave to run it’s course… until it stops, you will be okay… … Embrace your craves, experience them… learn from them…ride them out… every time… ride them out… you will be okay… Craves are proof nicotine levels are lowering… embrace them… learn from them… Practicing this method will allow the very essence of your addiction to manifest itself… your courage will grow… There will be anxiety/stress… walking bathing or light household activities will help… try to walk often… namaste.”


Great advice thank you SO much! :blush:

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Thank you again Jazzy :blush:


I used an alternative as well to help stop the cravings of smoking. I relapse and bought cigarettes a month ago, but been using nicotine patches some days, I feel better that I am not smoking cigarettes.


Way to go Keyana – its just taking it one day / one step at a time. :muscle:

9 years is a long time and i hope yo be able to reach that point, your way of telling it gave me tha hope.
Breathing big fresh air in spin classes became that escape route for my cravings to smoke.
I remermer that time when the monster arrive .


We borrowed a truck yesterday and there was a half a pack of cigarettes on the dash.
I was hit with a strong desire to steal one. The “nobody will know” voice started.

I will know!

they were shitty cheap cigarettes too. (All ciggs are shitty)

Crazy how cravings pop up and how the voice of addiction tries to justify it.

Very happy to wake up to these numbers today!


That voice popping up out of the blue is very unnerving. Way to stay strong and not give in :muscle:t4:. Keep fighting that good fight


Fuck that voice @JasonFisher its so sneaky