Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Day 53 !
Day 170 sober. I was super tempted to do both today. I thought how great it would be to go out by myself and meet new people and have a laugh. I had to beat that devil off my shoulder so hard :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2: But I’m still winning :1st_place_medal:


Thank you. I had a few re-sets after I set my intention to quit drinking but I’m 9 months sober and feeling strong there. Sober me is a way better me. This feels harder. I need to silence that nasty little “just do it” addict voice once and for all and give up this last unhealthy habit.

I appreciate your advice and well done on your progress! With some willpower and inner work I’ll be chasing your numbers soon. Keep leading!


Saw this repost from Quitnet pop up today. Never saw it before. I like it. Love.

My cat, the weather, my quit . . .
From Peter_is_in on 1/18/2011 1:26:26 AM

From my journey, 2005 . . .

One of our cats made me realize how limited his world is, limited in understanding how things really are.

It is very cold outside with snow blowing left and right and our cat “Oddfellow” really can’t understand why it has to be that way.

He goes to the back door, we open it, and he’s ready to go out until he gets the cold blast in his face and then quickly moves back from the door. There he sits crying with a mournful meow . . . asking the question “where is the nice warm weather?” . . .

But he doesn’t give up . . . next he goes the front door . . . we open it, he’s ready to go out until he gets the cold blast in his face and then quickly moves back from the door. There he sits again crying with a mournful meow . . . asking the question “where is the nice warm weather?” . . .

But he still doesn’t give up! . . . next he goes to the patio door off the family room . . . we open it, he’s ready to go out until he gets the cold blast in his face and then quickly moves back from the door. There he sits once again crying with a mournful meow . . . asking the question “where is the nice warm weather?” . . .

Then he goes to at least 3 different windows to see if it looks any different in those worlds . . . lol . . . of course it doesn’t.

He doesn’t seem to comprehend that no matter which door or which window he goes to, it is cold outside . . . the weather is awful. Our house sits in the weather, like all the other houses around us. He just needs to accept that and endure the cold weather and wait for warmer weather . . . but he keeps hoping and each day he goes to the same doors and windows . . . that is a good thing, never give up hope Oddfellow.

In a way that is what the first days of my quit were like. I didn’t like the feeling around me and I was testing doors so to speak to see if there was a better place to be rather than sit in my storm of change. But no matter how I looked at it, I finally had to realize that it was just something I had to go through. . . And that soon the storms would be over and I would be sitting in the sun . . . which is where I am now . . .

So if your quit feels like you’re being dragged through nasty weather, take heart. You can do small things to make the weather more tolerable but in it all believe that your spring is just around the corner and the sun will shine . . .



I love this! Very well said Menno.

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87 days no nicotine
232 days AF

Happy, even if my head plays a little game of just one cig for new years… :weary:…but that reward mindset needs to change.
Will continue my journey of freedom :kissing_heart:

Wishing the best to all of you for a smoke free and AF life!


I had a significant craving a couple of days ago at lunch time. I considered buying a pack and a couple of twisted teas, but chose to eat lunch instead.

It was a good choice. My attitude and day got a lot better.


I’m going to try and quit vaping. I haven’t had a cigg in about 3 months but I’m hooked on vaping

It’s just a hastle. I was soled the wrong coil so I wasted 10$

And it made my breath stink

I need to take it slow physically and mentally

Wish me luck


Sending you strength

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Hi I’ve been a pack a day smoker for 35 years. I have stopped cold turkey 9 days ago. I am finding chewing on cloves a help with nicotine cravings.


Welcome to Talking Sober and big congrats on quitting smoking Cleopatra! For me quitting smoking (7 years ago after 36 years of daily smoking) has been the best decision I ever took in my life. No joke. Set in motion a whole chain of events that are still changing my life one day at a time.
I hope the worst of the withdrawals are beginning to wear of by now. Wishing you all success in your smokeless journey lady.


That is fantastic and you must be so proud of yourself. How did you manage this?

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9 hours 40min without a vape or cigg

I feel good :slight_smile:


Thanks! First of all, mindset is key. You must be absolutely totally convinced that smoking is good for nothing. Which it is. It’s just a stupid lying killing addiction. Gaining knowledge, lots of it, helped me in acquiring that mindset. Knowledge about smoking itself, about addiction, about how to fight and conquer addiction. Reading Allen Carr’s Easy way to stop smoking helped me. Reading lots of other stuff helped me. Knowledge is power. There’s plenty of good stuff out there. Online, in print, on youtube, on facebook, etcetera. In this thread there’s lots of good info too.

Another thing that helped me big time is finding a community of (ex)smokers to give me support. If there’s one thing -besides knowledge and mindset- us addicts need to successfully fight our addictions it’s the support of our peers. I found that in Quitnet, a forum that unfortunately no longer exists. But there’s still plenty quit smoking forums around. I do thing it pays to find one.

This place is great for all sort of addicts, but the support for people who want to specifically quit smoking and smoking alone might not be quite sufficient. This specific thread does tend to get quiet at times, and certainly in the beginning we need daily support in our struggles to stay smoke free.

Mindset, knowledge, and community I think are the basic foundation for a successful Quit. Wishing you all success!


2 hours 20min left until a full day without vapes and ciggs


Keep powering thru

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That is so awesome, keep up the hard work :muscle:

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This was posted 3 hours ago! :muscle: Congrats!


So far so good

0 ciggs and no vape


Thank you sir

I’m sorry I didn’t post my full day sooner… I fell asleep. Ive been fighting off covid…

Stay strong and stay awesome
I saw some epic pics of nature

I’m 1 day 12 hours without a cigg or vape


Thank you

It’s not easy

To be 100% honest I do have a little help with some nic lossenges but they are a low mg. 2mg

Other then that, lots of gum and lots of mints