Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

I read through some posts. I’m day 40 AF not looking back. No cravings. Accepted this is my new clear present life and am so happy to indulge in sober life. Got me thinking about cigarettes. I roll my own and smoke a pack a day for 20+ years. Never wanted to quit. Never tried. Allen carrs book coming today. Then I’m gonna start my journey. I’d say the scariest part is withdrawal and cravings. Are they that bad? And congratulations to you. Also @Mno you have great encouragement advice and coaching on this thread. Thanks


Hi @Blake11 ! Congratulations on what :thinking:
I’ve heard good things about that book. We are all individuals but it’s pretty sure there will be uncomfortable sensations and feelings once you quit. Will you be tapering/ using patches or gum or else to ease withdrawal?

Edit according to my experience the withdrawals are not that bad, the procrastination of quitting is :scream::tired_face:


I’m just going to go cold turkey. My husband smokes just as much. So I worry even more since it’s always been something we bonded over. I have planted the seed for him. But I know it’s my turn. My time. He will follow. I’m planning to start next week. Will keep you all posted.


Thanks Emily and congrats and success on quitting smoking too! I like to compare the first days to a case of the flu. Many of the symptoms were the same for me. To be completely detoxed from nicotine takes between three days and a couple of weeks, depends on who you’re asking. Took me maybe a week to ten days. After that it’s all mind games and habit. Smoking is tied to so much in your life. Think about it. Allen Carr’s book has been a big help to me in changing my mindset and way I looked at smoking and what it meant for me. I did read it after quitting os not totally as intended but still found it very useful. Success again ,happy for you, will follow your progress!


Last time my physical withdrawals took about 10 days and in two months I didn’t think about smoking at all. That was when I smoked one pack per day before quitting. At start I used patches to get some sleep. I wish you all the best, you got this :muscle::+1::hugs:

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Sharing this as help to all that are planning to quit smoking. For years it was recycled daily on Quitnet, a website that doesn’t exist anymore but has been instrumental in helping me quit smoking in 2015. It’s there I discovered the power of peer support. It’s there I discovered I was actually stronger than my addictions, just as long as I didn’t go it alone. Hope it is of some help.

The Quit Kit

Repost by Grammax6

Welcome Newbies! Ready to quit? Then you need a Quit Kit!

It isn’t a matter of just slapping on a patch or chewing some nic gum. Every behavior you can think of is tied to your smoking. We smoked because we were happy, sad, mad, hurt, tired, sick, bored…etc. You need to replace those habits. Take a day to make a plan.

We call it a Quit Kit. It can be anything you want. Get creative and really think about it. Some things folks have used is nicotine gum. You can buy regular gum the same size, color and flavor so you can go back and forth between the two. If you are using the patch, make sure you have an extra patch in the office, in your purse, or in your wallet, for those days when you have forgotten to put one on in the morning. It happens more than you think! Have lozenges available for those high stress / high craving times.

Have some Red Vines to ‘smoke’. Or cut up a straw into thirds…especially during high trigger times like driving. Sometimes it feels good to just hold it if you are accustomed to always having a smoke in your hand. Grab your favorite CDs or tapes to put in your car so you can put one in and sing out loud. My favorite was dancing and singing at the same time. Your brain cannot do a third thing, so thinking about smoking just disappears.

To keep your mind and hands busy, go to Michael’s or some other craft store and look for things to do. Buy something that interests you; rug hooking kits, scrap booking stuff, or Christmas stocking kits for the grand kids. Or, get some coloring books and colored pencils or felt tip pens. Stained glass, floral, tropical fish or Native American motif coloring books are available everywhere now. They make you want to do a good job. Dora the Explorer would make me want to scribble on her face. LOL!

Make a list of everything that needs to be done, or you want to do around the house. Go through each room and write down everything from cleaning out drawers and closets to painting, rearranging or redecorating. Same with the garage and yard work. Once you have your list, break it down into 5-15 minutes segments so nothing becomes overwhelming.

Make baggies of crunchy foods to satisfy your mouth so they are at work and handy to grab. Carrots, celery, chex mix, pretzel sticks (you can hold those like a cig), gum, etc. They need to be ready to just grab at any given time.

This is important!!! The Three Post Rule: When you are craving and really shaky, post and click the “I’m craving and need some help” box. Wait for at least 3 response posts before you make a decision to purchase cigarettes or to smoke. Most times, you will be fine once you read the posts (keeps you from dwelling). If not…post again and wait for 3 more.

Once you have all these things figured out you will be well prepared to handle anything and you don’t even have to think…just look at your list… Keep 1 copy at work, 1 at home, 1 in your purse or wallet, 1 in the car.

If you did one day, you can do 2. If you did 3, you can do one more. No future tripping. You can’t do a darn thing about tomorrow until it gets here. Today is a good time to quit but if you feel you can’t, then take tomorrow to put together your Quit Kit and quit the day after. Don’t set a quit date out there for 2 weeks, 1 month, etc. All you do is make yourself crazy in your head by stressing over that date. You know you can do this.


Yes & yes :point_up:


I decided not to wait until Tuesday. Had my last smoke tonight. It feels very surreal. I’m am ready to handle the cravings. If I keep smoking they keep coming. I will ride this out and stay focused on what is actually happening. All tips welcome.


Made it through the 1st week. Always amazed at how quickly my lips heal… now fighting urge to drop a dip in “virgin” lip.


Always fun to go back…

@Blake11, you trooper :muscle: Take vitamin C, 1000 mg per day (or less if your stomach can’t handle it). It should help a little with cravings. Also vitamins B (nerves) and D (lungs, immunity) and potassium (nerves, sleep) could be helpful. Bon voyage!

Thanks I gonna get some potassium. I can see what happens with the sleep and nerves. I’m in 5 hours and am finding it tolerable for sure. Jittery slightly. Looking for something to concentrate on yet distracted. Keep having the feeling of “why did I come in here?” Forgetfulness? It’s strange but a relief. I’ll keep going.


Takes time for your brain to adjust the new order without nic. For your comfort, I’m kind of with you in this. This is the first time in 9 months I skipped my yesterday’s evening cig and today’s morning cig. I’ve been tapering for quite sometime and so far it’s tolerable :slightly_smiling_face:



Good for you on skipping some smokes. It’s morning here. Coffee and nothing this morning. Just coffee. 14 hours. A little tough but I’m reminding myself it’s a trap. If I smoke 1 I’ll smoke more. Everything I did revolved around it. Even the most trivial. Unload the dishwasher. Smoke. Take laundry upstairs. But first!!! Smoke. Get ready for work. Smoke. Blowdry hair. Smoke. Start car to warm up. Smoke. Get in car 10 min later. Smoke. Look at the time when I get to work and decide I should wait at least an hour before I smoke. Oops could only wait 45 min then…smoke. it really is a time waster. Mind trap. I’m just not gonna do it anymore. I’m looking forward to my taste coming back and being able to run! Thanks for letting me vent. Will check in soon


Thanks Emily. Late afternoon here. Actually (cough) I’m skipping it all cause I ended up smoking two per day and it seems so that my last cig was yesterday morning. Even today I’ve been cheating myself that I still have the option to smoke one if I need it badly. Addictive sponge brain… :unamused: thankfully the urge is not that horrible.
Your words could be mine. Those last two daily cigs were for dogwalks and it became like a sacred moment, my own time with the dog and cig :sweat_smile:

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This was a big revelation for me. I’ve said it before on this thread, but am saying it again! The realisation that a cigarette won’t relieve cravings, it just starts a new cycle of cravings.

Love that quit kit that @Mno posted too, thank you! :pray::sparkling_heart:


16 hours. Not easy. Not terrible. Liking the new energy I have (thinking positive) although it’s definitely nervous energy. Gonna use it to my advantage. Clean kids rooms. Walk dog blowdry hair. I can’t say I have any physical relief yet. Aside from knowing I don’t have to waste so much time smoking and hiding smoking. Time keeps passing and I’m doing it. I am a little dizzy almost slightly hallucinating? Anyone have that before? I’m a little nervous I just quit and never put much thought into it. Never attempted or wanted to quit before. I guess that’s me playing the flip side or my addiction talking?


The dizziness and feeling a bit high probably have to do with the extra oxygen that is flowing through your system now there’s no nicotine and carbonmonoxide binding the receptors (or whatever is the exact biochemistry). Yay you, keep going!


Whoa. You’re right. I am actually returning to normal. And my body is working! I’m making sure this is a positive experience. And enjoy every moment. I didn’t think of all these physical things. I was focused more on psychological. Good to know