Gym/fitness thread announcement

We know that healthy lifestyle changes within recovery often include physical activities, fitness pursuits, improving our eating habits and diets and other healthy living goals and changes. As such, we want to provide a safe space to share and support our goals, progress and achievements…while also being respectful of members who may find such discussions or images triggering. Thus we will be supporting dedicated thread(s) for Gym/Fitness Enthusiasts that will include trigger warnings (similar to how our food threads contain TWs).

Images of people in gym attire, which could include sports bras; and discussions of macro nutrients and diet are examples of things likely to be found in these threads.

Rule #6 remains unchanged…

  1. Do not post sexually explicit material (no visible nipples and/or genitalia). Visible coverage tops/shirts and bottoms are required in all selfies, memes and photos, regardless of gender. Please do not post photos in swimwear regardless of gender.

And please be mindful of Rule #7 as well…

  1. This is not a dating site - refrain from asking about dates or hookups in public or private message.

We hope these dedicated threads with TW will offer a safe and welcoming space to share and support our fitness journeys; while letting people know it may be triggering. As always, we suggest muting threads as needed.

Edited to add: not all gym/fitness related threads will be merged. They may however, contain images of people in gym attire. TWs will be clear on content


I just want to make sure I understand for clarity’s sake. All gym and exercise related topics will be merged with all diet and nutrition topics? If this is the case, I’m wondering if it might not be more beneficial to have two dedicated threads instead.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because while these two are related, they’re different topics, and there is the possibility of the thread becoming bloated, making some conversations harder to follow, and desired information more difficult to find for readers.

This isn’t a big deal, but it was a thought I had and wanted to put it out there in case it was useful.


I agree very hard to follow when all aspects of fitness are gonna be included. Diet and nutrition are a whole world by themselves


The way I read sassy, gym /fitness is different from diet.


This is going to clog up an entire thread.


We have a swimming thread, running thread and yoga thread. We’re not merging those too are we


For me this is highly relevant. I’m not keen on any diet or nutrition info, updates, whatever.
And while I’m ofc all for ppl self-improving in all the ways they want to and am happy for anyone achieving greater synchronicity w their inner and outer selves: I don’t personally want to participate in that discussion. The whole weight loss/diet/ fitness/healthy lifestyle culture is not for me.

I am a weight lifter who lifts for mental health reasons. Talked about it lots on the old thread in posts that meant a lot to me.
I don’t want to post “progress pics” of my body, never have, and I don’t measure progress in looking like this or that anymore. And I don’t want to see other’s progress pics for the most part and compare myself to anyone or judge anyone based on their appearance. I don’t have social media for this exact reason, I really want to continue to avoid this entire topic.
And it took me a lot of hard work to get to this place, mindset and strength wise. I want to be able to post how much I bench or whatever and for my peers w the same hobby to be able to appreciate the work that took for me.
I don’t want to take away from anyone else’s personal goals at all, I’m happy ppl have goals and be on their journeys, that’s all good stuff! I just don’t want them to get conflated. I’m not “doing fitness” or trying to “get healthier”. And having to be confronted w this self improvement theme all the time, I just don’t feel I belong there at all.

I been looking forward all year to post finally getting to my main goal and I’m so close. Sorry for sounding all whiney but whatever, this is frustrating and sad to me.

As @Jasty2 is rightfully saying: let us have the weight lifting thread same as the runners, swimmers etc! I’m happy to add a TW. As my top was flagged, I’d personally be in favour to do that cos that’s the reason I haven’t been posting anything in a while.

:broken_heart: :boar:


If people discuss macros in the weight lifting thread would you consider that triggering? I’m just asking to see if we need to note that on the thread. Maybe nutrition discussions get moved to a nutrition thread???

I think there is certainly room for change here, we’re trying to make this space the best we can for everyone.


I think this exemplifies why it might be better to have two dedicated threads. Before the lockdowns and crazy of 2020, I was working toward an exercise science degree. My end goal was to work in a hands on position with individuals who had chronic health issues to improve quality of life through movement. While we did need to take some nutrition classes, we were told many times that if we did not have a degree in nutrition, then we legally could not give dietary advise.

I personally enjoy both topics, for a variety of reasons, but when I am looking for exercise related information, I don’t want to be reading about nutrition, and vice versa.

There may be the possibility of one of these topics overshadowing the other to the point that someone interested in the less dominant topic may feel uncomfortable about posting.

I don’t think you sound whiney at all. It seems that this change was brought about because someone else had concerns. Your concerns are just as valid, and I know I’ve said similar to this before, but opening up for discussion is a good thing to allow for the best possible results.

Edit: I think that you make a good point in what you posted after this that weight lifting is a sport in and of itself.


If it would have been discussed on the old thread constantly and all the time, which it didn’t, yeah, that would have got on my nerves, but at least it would have still been w the goal of lifting in mind. I don’t identify w the new thread at all.

I don’t see why we can’t have our space as other particular sports have theirs?


Ok, thanks for bringing this up. we’ll discuss it :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Dan and thanks for being nice about it. x


I think the basic point is that threads of this kind, whether gym, weight lifting or discussing macros and diet require a TW. If people wish for dedicated threads devoid of xyz, they can request that in the title/TW.

Totally understand everyone’s concerns and am hopeful we can all work together to make and keep threads respectful and supportive for all.


Agreed. That’s easily added.


And that gym attire, including sports bras, may be in said threads.


Ofc. That’s what the TW would be for. Modern gym wear that has evolved in function and comfort. I don’t wear t-shirts at all unless to warm up in my freezing place. Doesn’t mean I’m in any state of undress while I’m at it. TWs would benefit everyone cos it’s also not fun posting knowing it’ll get flagged.


Edited to add: not all gym/fitness related threads will be merged. They may however, contain images of people in gym attire. TWs will be clear on content


Thanks guys. I appreciate this so much. More importantly I think it’s the right way but personally, thanks!

:black_heart: :boar:


We appreciate all the input, helps us serve the community as best we can.