Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Last years of gym was intense. I almost never skipped workouts. I bulked from 76kg to 82+
I still drinked alcohol, but almost always found a way for few workouts a week.
I did not wanted to go further, my goal now is concentrate more on running. That weight does not helps me with running. I am less flexible and very slow. So overall changing my diet, lifting less weights, running more.
Sort of doing a cutting phase :fire:

Less is MORE! :sweat_smile:


Day 1,028 if sobriety
Back and Bi


@BrOKenWolf thank you for giving me such an insightful reply!!
So i left the trainers for all the aforementioned reasons and never paid the two extra classes I did and they never called me back. I think they realised they screw up…
Also i asked for a program and NEVER got it.
The trainer that had me would NOT even say hi to me and he just was like oh you are gonna start training with this other trainer.
The worst part? My mum paid for my sessions, he did not say hi to my mum. If i catch him outside, he is done for!
Anyhow, I found a workout plan online (3 days hypertrophy - 2 days of power), paid for the membership at a better gym, with better equipment, instead of paying the so-called “trainer”, I am now ok week two of this plan and honestly it’s great!
That’s all for now.
I will definitely post on here if i come up with any questions.
You all are so knowledgeable, I am quite lucky to have you
Take care <3

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Might be a good read for the ladies around here.



Keep crushing it. :muscle::muscle:

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Pushing through a very early Saturday morning workout, before work. Anything is better than nothing at all. :call_me_hand:


New gym and fitness thread can be found here:

awe man – love that motivation even though your face is like hell nah why we doing this – hope it helped give you energy for the rest of your day

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I’ve never actually gone back and read this thread from the beginning, gonna do that the next couple days. Probably so many great missed tips on here from the past few years


K guys, wee Xmas gift to myself. :christmas_tree: Was also my goal for this year. :star: Four years ago I got serious w lifting. I had started 1.5 years before that, did some crazy antics to lift while also full blown drinking, insane to think about now. Then I took the first 4 months of my sobriety off lifting cos I wanted my sobriety to stand on its own feet.

I remember my first sober new year’s that I celebrated w a run and a novice leg day in some hotel gym where we were staying w the dogs in Poland at the beach. :slight_smile: It felt so good to get back. Here’s my documentation, I was doing some 60kg! :')

Deadlifting has always been by favourite and I’ve long anticipated getting into the advanced section for my weight. It’s just a number, but at the same time this one means a lot to me, somehow.

I have to take time off lifting when I’m too depressed or disturbed. That’s ok. I also had knee issues in September. My squat is still not back where it was before that. Also ok. Now my new commuting life and trying to be productive in my degree are taking a lot of time away from it and I hate that. To take any hard won progress and forward movement with the backward or stagnation or diversion is one of the many many things lifting has taught me. As in forced my terrible perfectionist idealist naive mind to accept. And w that to accept, form a relationship w and love my own body which is sth I never ever thought I’d say. Ever.

Whenever I “want” to celebrate I come up w so many reasons why I shouldn’t. Like there’s some punishment or shame just around the corner. Strange. Or that I could be so much better at my age, had I done things differently. Whatever. Posting despite these feelings and hopefully also now no more stupid flags!

Be well and stay strong everyone! :mechanical_arm: :boar: :purple_heart:


Your one rep max is just shy of 300 lbs ? That’s fuckin badass. Great job. :muscle::muscle:
See this is why I was so against having the who wore it best mini-skirt competition with her @Dan531 :rofl::rofl:


No no, it’s more like 270lbs apparently and I dont actually lift that. I lifted some 105kg 6 times and the website calculates the 1RM.

I understand. lemme know if you wanna do open back dress or off shoulder bodysuit instead. Anytime my friend. Or the dog booties. :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :boot:


Congratulations on your achievement! Celebrating you!


And that’s an achievement! You are a badass :muscle:t3::fire:

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Looking well, Joe.

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Thanks I’m starting to feel better. Just battling injury and father time. :grin:


Doing great Joe! Keep the momentum going…
Father time won’t have anything on you

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Hello, just wondering what app you use please? Thanks

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