Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Felt so good to be back at the gym! Did shoulders today and I really felt it! Then 40 min of cardio and a light stretch. I pray that i can get my daily motivation back. Everytime I hit the gym i never regret it :muscle:


I find itā€™s much less about motivation and more about routine. Once you build the routine of working out it becomes habit. Some days I do not have the want to work out but I do anyways (unless my body truly needs rest) because itā€™s part of my morning routine now. It took a while to get here though.

You will get back in the routine, one day at a time just like staying sober :blush:


me 5 years ago doing mud races :joy: Those were so much fun!! You can see a brace on my leg because I was still recovering from acl surgery. It was advised I didnā€™t do this race butā€¦ā€¦ :woman_shrugging:t2:


But youā€™re a badass soā€¦ :muscle:


Damn girl ā€¦ nothing stopping ya.

I absolutely love that ear to ear grin. Mud raceā€¦huhā€¦sounds like a lot of funšŸ˜Š


So true unless itā€™s my swelling, that stops me :joy: I actually tore it at a previous race with less than a half a mile to go. I hobbled to finish the race

Thanks @Jasty2 I think Iā€™m more stubborn but Iā€™ll take a badass compliment


Iā€™ve only done one. It was a zombie mud race, with one of the kids around Halloween 2018. Was a blast though. I should really look for another one


Thatā€™s stinking cute. Thatā€™s the only correct expression for this pic.

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Thank you so much Dan for your reply!
I love that split and i would absolutely try it but my trainer insists that the third day should be dedicated to cardio :frowning:
In that case it would be: upper lower cardio upper lower rest rest if i am not mistaken

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Thank you Gorden for your reply!
I have given it two weeks.
I would have given it much more time if i did not feel pain.
I did tell him, he insisted this is just really bad soreness and we kept the workout as is. I told him about the pain i felt and he only changed the exercises when i was like extremely weak and could not do anything (that has never happened before). I cried from the pain basically, it was quite strong during that workout.
My point is I would have never been that sore on this particular area if there was a different split because the muscle area that was used say on Monday would not have to be used on Tuesday. Even at lower intensity, it was used, when there was no point in that in my humble opinion.

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You should fire your trainer. I read your reply to Gordon and it confirms my thoughts. There is no need to be super sore from lifting for results, thatā€™s old school ideology that has been proven wrong. There is also absolutely zero reason to train the same muscle groups in back to back days.

As far as cardio is concerned, cardio is important for heart health and endurance but not so much for physique so it is goal dependant.

Iā€™ll refer you to the mindpump podcast/ YouTube channel. Those guys are awesome when it comes to programming and fitness stuff. You may want to skip the first part of their show because they tend to get caught up in current events at times.

Best wishes to you and remember, your trainer works for youā€¦ lots of trainers are not that good, so donā€™t be afraid to fire them and move on.


I agree with you, something seems weird. Seems odd he would be so dismissive of your concerns. Good luck, keep battling!

Dan I appreciate your input so so much!
I donā€™t mind being super sore because itā€™s only the second week. However with the classic bro split if my legs were sore then iā€™d be able to train them again on the next week, when they are supposed to be trained. I really donā€™t see a point tho in using them on the very next day though, even at a much lower intensity, and i do not know how that wonā€™t lead to an injury from overworking the same muscle group.

Anyhow, i went to the gym on friday and this other person was there, i had done cardio with him a week ago and honestly he seems pretty cool. Basically i was like hi, is my trainer here? I need to talk about the split. And he said you can tell me, no problem. I explained how frustrated i was with my trainer including full body days, especially since i train with high weights - low reps.

He was like muscles get created with small injuries and thatā€™s how you get soreness. And I am like, yeah, obviously?? Thatā€™s not what I said to him, i said smth along the lines of yeah Iā€™ve heard that before. And he also mentioned how he had to break the bones of his hands in order for them to get stronger, because he does martial arts.

He also said i need a day fully dedicated to rehabilitation because according to him strength training 4 times a week + cardio on a separate day is like a championā€™s schedule. Like no? It is not? He was also like oh donā€™t stress about it and I am like standing there doing rehabilitation stuff.

I mean yeah bro iā€™d never have been stressed if last day when i told your colleague i am in pain, not burning sensation from my muscles working, literal pain, I was not heard. After that, i thanked him for helping me out with my ā€œsorenessā€ (soreness should never in my humble opinion feel like this) and had to go to the gym again to see my trainer.

I really tried to speak calmly but it was very hard. I basically said to him: We need to talk abt the split, uhm, why is there a full body day on my split? And he goes like so you tried my program for a week (it was two weeks that I was there lol) and now you donā€™t like it? Which had me shook!

So i was like, I never said i do not ā€œlikeā€ it, I actually had told him on the very first day that i love the exercises and the workout overall and that is why i wanna train with him lol. I do not like the pain that I have.

He then said itā€™s soreness to which I replied my legs are sore, this shit hurts (I didnā€™t say shit like i really want to be respectful). Itā€™s a bad soreness he says. I said to him then that i hate that i am in pain and i think at least 60% of that is because of the split. He goes like what do you wanna do?

I said a 5 - day split to which he insisted on what i wanted to do and the thing is i just wanted my muscles to be able to rest i didnā€™t give a flying fuck abt the specific split. I showed him the bro split that I had tried and was cool with it and he said ok we can do smth like that but we need to do the cardio in between.

I was like ok and i insisted on how i didnā€™t care about what the split was going to be, i honestly really wanted him to think abt it and tell me what he thinks is best. Also, i do not remember what he said but at some point i literally had to say to him that the reason that I did the split he requested was because i trusted him or something, because once i heard it i was weirded out.

So once that went down, he flipped the switch, he said thanks for letting me know and i was really honest and I said to him that this was so hard for me to do, i felt relieved, and we booked the next session. Oh i said thank you and he said too. I am feeling hopeful about next week

I think that even if i was not intimidating enough, his colleague is a co-owner of the place and he must have told him about the whole thing and hopefully has talked some sense in him. I will def look that podcast up! I will try and remember that trainers do work for me.

Phew, that was quite a bit!

Best wishes from me too <3


I really appreciate you validating my feelings @Gorden

Itā€™s extremely weird like just admit that:

A) this split is not for me
B) you didnā€™t plan the exercises correctly for all the days of the week
C) you messed up

Offer some rehabilitation therapy, a change in the split, apologise and weā€™re good. Donā€™t call my severe soreness which causes me pain, just soreness. Cā€™mon!

Anyway, my reply to Dan explains what the conversation was like, if you fancy an update

Take care :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m glad you got it ironed out, kind of? The whole thing has a weird vibe, but it seems like he has maybe heard you now. Thatā€™s a great job of talking it through with both people, that stuff is never easy.

I donā€™t know what that dynamic is like. Iā€™ve never had a trainer. The gym is kind of a weird place for me. I absolutely love it, but Iā€™m so socially awkward I just hate when itā€™s even moderately busy. I feel like everyone is watching me and laughing. I know thatā€™s not the case, but I canā€™t help it. Iā€™m pretty much that way in all things in public. So, I think its great you work with a trainer, I could never do that!

I hope things go better!

I feel like we talked it out, kind of lol @Gorden
It does have a weird vibe but i have already tried 3 different trainers and his workouts are the best by far!!

It was so stressful to have to talk, cause I just wanna show up, do as he says and then pack my stuff and leave lol

I have never had a trainer either but I really want to have a professional working with me until i can work on my own. I have kind of a small injury on my left knee, so i have to be extra careful with my form and i also like weights so i do like to have a trainer around.

About the social aspect, I literally cannot think about other people at the gym, all I think about are the exercises, sets, reps all that lol

But when i like have to walk to and from the gym I definitely think oh everyone is looking at me, I look weird etc. You kinda have to talk yourself out of it, I believe. Everyone is thinking of themselves, I am pretty sure of it.

I hope so too!

Take care <3

@Solanine sorry Iā€™m late to the conversation with this.

Iā€™ve read @Dan531 and @Gorden responses to you and your replies to them.

Iā€™m not a trainer either but I do have a trainer I work with who is helping me train for international martial arts competitions and I wholeheartedly agree with Dan and Gorden in that your schedule seems wrong. Itā€™s out of synchronisation to allow your body to recover.

Pain, no matter what is your body telling you something is wrong. If a trainer is dismissing that then they are risking you making what might be a slight injury worse. You know your body, you know if itā€™s pain or soreness, weā€™ve all had a sore muscle at some point in our lives and anyone in this thread who has had an injury will tell you there as a massive difference between soreness and pain and you are saying itā€™s pain, you know itā€™s pain, you will have felt sore at some point to know the difference. Donā€™t allow them to dismiss it, they are there to work for you to get you healthy not to risk you getting injured.

When you go to the gym remember the phrase, ā€œitā€™s about getting results not getting hurtā€. If they are not stopping you from hurting they are not gaining you any results. Pain means you will use other muscles to counteract and compensate in order to achieve the goal so you increase injury potential, you donā€™t get the results the exercise is intended for and the injured muscle / tendon or whatever it is does not get a chance to repair itself and will simply remain injured and eventually will repair incorrectly and affect your performance levels or ability to move properly etc. your pain receptors will switch off the pain but the injury wonā€™t have gone.

I would advise speaking to a doctor or physiotherapist and let them take a proper musculoskeletal check of where your pain is.

Dan, Gorden, great advice from you guys, well done for looking out for her. :muscle:t3::+1:t3:

Strength and love to you all! :muscle:t3::heart:


Few weeks ago I bought myself 4kg kettlebell. Wanted to check if itā€™s my thing or not. Well, it is my thing :slight_smile: I donā€™t have much time so those 30min full body workouts on yt are great for me. Some time ago I upgraded to 6kg, and last 2 or 3 workouts Iā€™m using 8kg :muscle:t2:
Itā€™s still not much, but itā€™s honest work :wink:


I think there are many excercises where 8 kg can be a lot. :see_no_evil: Love kettle bells. Have a little kettlebell family at home.


I love them as well, especially because finally I found something I can use, I canā€™t workout with classic dumbbells cause I canā€™t grab them with my left hand. Well, I can, but in very limited way.
My first two kettles are cheapy ones from Action (I think you also have Action in Germany, or not?), but with 8kg I decided to invest a little. I think Iā€™m gonna buy 6kg better quality also.